National Identities 17 (2015), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
National Identities 17 (2015), 3
Weiterer Titel 

Abingdon 2015: Taylor & Francis
4 issues per year
Institutional: US$372/£225; Individual: US$127/£73



National Identities
United Kingdom
Fritsche, Jana

National Identities explores the correlation/mapping between identity, people, state and nation, and examines the complexities of how national identities are created, represented and adopted in any period from antiquity to the current day, and from any geographical location. The focus of the journal is on identity, on how cultural factors (language, architecture, music, gender, religion, the media, sport, encounters with ‘the other’ etc.) and political factors (state forms, wars, boundaries) contribute to the formation and expression of national identities and on how these factors have been shaped and changed over time. The historical significance of ‘nation’ in political and cultural terms is considered in relationship to other important and in some cases countervailing forms of identity such as religion, region, tribe or class.

The variety of viewpoints published in the journal engenders a multifaceted understanding of national identity, and the journal therefore welcomes papers from a wide range of disciplines, including literature, history, geography, religion, sociology, and architecture among others. Comparative perspectives are encouraged, and the journal features regular review essays as well as book reviews.




Diversity and nationalism in the Basque Country and Flanders: understanding immigrants as fellow minorities
Sanjay Jeram & Ilke Adam
Pages: 241–257
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.951611

Dialects of nostalgia: Downton Abbey and English identity
Rosalía Baena & Christa Byker
Pages: 259–269
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.942262

‘What nationality he is doesn't matter a damn!’ International football, mediated identities and conditional cosmopolitanism
Michael Skey
Pages: 271–287
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.934214

The dragon is not always red: the extreme right and ultra-nationalism in Wales
Dominic Alessio
Pages: 289–309
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.987658

From displaying to becoming national heritage: the case of the Pousadas de Portugal
Marta Prista
Pages: 311–331
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.920808

National art and Britain made real: the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony
Christopher G.A. Bryant
Pages: 333–346
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.990958

Book Reviews

Representations and othering in discourse: the construction of Turkey in the EU context
Rosita D'Amora
Pages: 347–349
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.921759

Placing the nation: Aberystwyth and the reproduction of Welsh nationalism
Paul O'Leary
Pages: 350–351
DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2014.921760

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