14 PhD positions "The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization"

14 PhD positions "The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization"

Aarhus University; University of Kent; Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU); Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Aarhus, Kent, Halle an der Saale, Münster, Mailand, Prag
Vom - Bis
01.08.2016 - 31.07.2019
Url (PDF/Website)
Dr. Ricarda Matheus

In einem von der Europäischen Kommission im Rahmen von Horizon 2020 mit insgesamt 3,6 Millionen Euro geförderten Doktorandennetzwerk sind spätestens zum 1.8.2016 an den Universitäten Aarhus, Kent, Halle-Wittenberg, Münster, Mailand und Prag insgesamt 14 Stellen für jeweils 36 Monate ausgeschrieben, die für Bewerberinnen und Bewerber aus verschiedenen Disziplinen von Interesse sind. Geeignete Kandidaten müssen einen international anerkannten Master oder einen gleichwertigen Abschluss in Theologie, Geschichte, Philosophie, Religionsgeschichte oder einem verwandten Fach nachweisen können. Ein wichtiges Kriterium für dieses EU-Projekt ist, dass sich die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten in den vergangnenen drei Jahren nicht länger als 12 Monate in dem Land, in dem das jeweilige Subprojekt angesiedelt ist, aufgehalten haben.


Nähere Informationen zum Rahmen und zu den Subprojekten finden sich unter www.itn-humanfreedom.eu

The Marie Curie ITN "The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization" - a collaboration between 6 universities and 9 non-academic partner organizations across Europe - invites applications for 14 full-time, three-year Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions. The ITN offers an interdisciplinary environment and an innovative training program that allows the ESRs to obtain specialist knowledge of a specific research topic as well as transferable skills that can be used in non-academic institutions.

The candidate who is awarded a fellowship must commence his/her PhD degree program on August 1, 2016 at the latest. Eligible candidates must have an internationally-recognized Master's or equivalent degree (or evidence of its completion before beginning the PhD program) in theology, history, philosophy, classics, religious history, or a related field. They must hold less than four years of research experience after their candidate degree and have not resided more than 12 of the last 36 months in the country where the PhD is located for which they apply. ESRs are required to undertake transnational mobility as they will complete secondments in other countries.

The research project will trace the historical roots and transformations of the modern conception of the human being and the human values of dignity and freedom, especially in theological and philosophical traditions. In modern western societies, the ideal human being has the right to think, believe, and express itself freely without fearing retribution and to be treated as an autonomous and dignified individual. But such a conception is not shared by all – and never was. Its long history has been formed through a continuous battle between two theological and philosophical traditions going back to Origen of Alexandria and Augustine of Hippo, respectively. Origen saw humans as free, valuable, and dignified beings, while Augustine saw them as predestined, sinful, and bound to servitude. The project’s research will continuously circle around this battle between the opposing negative and positive views on humanity that we encounter in various contexts from antiquity to modern times. Thereby, the project will raise awareness of how ancient philosophical and religious tenets still shape political, moral, and anthropological categories and modes of thinking as well as principles of human conduct.

See www.itn-humanfreedom.eu for further details on required skills and selection procedures.

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