Rüdiger Braun

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

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Tagber: Notions of dignity and deficiency – Intertextual approaches to the anthropology of the Qurʾān in contemporary Muslim discourse
Rüdiger Braun, Institut für Systematische Theologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Hüseyin Çiçek, Erlangen Centre for Islam and Law in Europe, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Erlangen 17.09.2015 - 18.09.2015

Tagber: Notions of dignity and deficiency – Intertextual approaches to the anthropology of the Qurʾān in contemporary Muslim discourse
Rüdiger Braun, Institut für Systematische Theologie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Hüseyin I. Çiçek, Erlanger Zentrum für Islam und Recht in Europa, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Erlangen 17.09.2015 - 18.09.2015

Konf: Notions of dignity and deficiency - Intertextual approaches to the anthropology of the Qurʾān in contemporary Muslim discourse
Chair for the Study of Religions, in Cooperation with the Center for Anthropology of Religion(s) (CAR), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Erlangen 17.09.2015 - 18.09.2015

CFP: Intertextual approaches to the anthropology of the Qur'an
Dr. Rüdiger Braun, Chair for the Studies of Religions, Faculty of Philosophy and Department of Theology; in cooperation with the Central Institute for the Anthropology of Religion(s) (CAR), Faculty of Philosophy and Department of Theology, University of Erlangen
Erlangen 27.01.2015 - 18.09.2015