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    Rez. von Cristian Alvarado Leyton, Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
    • Thelen, Tatjana; Erdmute Alber (Hrsg.): Reconnecting State and Kinship. , Pennsylvania 2017
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    Rez. von Christian Oertel, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
    • Gaposchkin, M. Cecilia; Field, Sean L. (Hrsg.): The Sanctity of Louis IX. Early Lives of Saint Louis by Geoffrey of Beaulieu and William of Chartres, Ithaca (New York) 2014
    • Gaposchkin, M. Cecilia: The Making of Saint Louis. Kingship, Sanctity, and Crusade in the Later Middle Ages, Ithaca (New York) 2008
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    Rez. von Ulrich Lambrecht, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Koblenz-Landau
    • Mathisen, Ralph W.; Shanzer, Danuta (Hrsg.): Romans, Barbarians, and the Transformation of the Roman World. Cultural Interaction and the Creation of Identity in Late Antiquity, Farnham 2011