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    Rez. von Patryk Wasiak, Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
    • Švelch, Jaroslav: Gaming the Iron Curtain. How Teenagers and Amateurs in Communist Czechoslovakia Claimed the Medium of Computer Games, Cambridge 2018
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    Rez. von Raffael Scheck, History Department, Colby College
    • Lapp, Benjamin: Revolution from the Right. Politics, Class, and the Rise of Nazism in Saxony, 1919-1933, Atlantic Highlands, N.J. 1997
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    Rez. von Craig D. Patton, Alabama A & M University
    • Kulczycki, John J.: The Foreign Worker and the German Labor Movement. Xenophobia and Solidarity in the Coal Fields of the Ruhr, 1871-1914, Providence, R.I. 1994