Early Modern- and World Wars In Translocal Perspective: Representations and Experiences from the South

Early Modern- and World Wars In Translocal Perspective: Representations and Experiences from the South

Dr. Katrin Bromber Zentrum Moderner Orient - Centre for Modern Oriental Studies
Vom - Bis
23.09.2005 - 25.09.2005
Bromber, Katrin

Der Call for Paper für das Panel "Early Modern- and World Wars In Translocal Perspective: Representations and Experiences from the South" findet im Rahmen des I. Europäischen Kongress für Welt- und Globalgeschichte vom 23. bis 25. September 2005 in Leipzig statt, zu dem das European Network in Universal and Global History einlädt. Die Initiative zu diesem Kongress geht von einem der World History Association affiliierten Zusammenschluss europäischer Historiker und Historikerinnen aus, die verschiedene Subdisziplinen der Geschichtswissenschaft wie Wirtschafts-, Sozial-, Kultur-, Geschlechtergeschichte, Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen und der Transnationalisierung repräsentieren, aber durch ein gemeinsames Interesse an globalen Fragestellungen verbunden sind.

This panel intends to bring together contributions that focus on non-European representations and experiences of wars in the nineteenth and twentieth century. It aims at showing the way in which translocal movements generated by wars translate into experience and everyday life, in terms of effects or discursivity. It seeks to contribute to the debate on translocality by shaping the methodologies involved in accessing and researching its objects.

As wars accelerated and obliterated ongoing social transformations, they caused forced and often violent encounters between actors from very diverse backgrounds. As they produced cultural and social effects, the marks they left behind varied in degrees of permanence.

What were the experiences of non-European combatants and civilians, what the discursive set-ups that these wars produced? In its discussions of non-European experiences and representations of modern wars, the panel encourages presentations touching upon issues such as memories of combat situations, tensions within the respective armies arising from mutual perception and interaction, but also civilian war experiences such as scarcity of ressources, especially food, service in labour units in the colonized countries, or experiences of violence, forced migration and displacement. It also encourages readings into the discursive rationalization of violence, societal mobilization and control and the concomitant use of local media, propaganda employed by respective army commands in order to motivate the deployment of non-European troops in „out of area“ operations, as well as evaluations and interpretations of the wars among non-European intellectuals and the transformation of world views resulting from these perceptions.

The panel invites papers that explore these and other related issues from various empirical perspectives. Presentations arising from work in progress and/or stressing the methodology of the translocal dimension are especially welcome.



Dr. Katrin Bromber
Zentrum Moderner Orient - Centre for Modern Oriental Studies
Kirchweg 33
D -14129 Berlin

Tel +49 (0) 30 / 80 30 72 37
Fax +49 (0) 30 / 80 30 72 10

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