Third International Doctoral Training School ‘The Dynamic Middle Ages’

Third International Doctoral Training School ‘The Dynamic Middle Ages’

The Centre for Medieval Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
Russian Federation
Vom - Bis
28.09.2020 - 02.10.2020
Higher School of Economics (Moscow)

This announcement comes out in a highly uncertain period for all of us. Nowadays, any plans are aspirational and will have to be postponed, if the situation requires so.

Still, the Centre for Medieval Studies of the National Research University Higher School of Economics invites applications to the Third International Doctoral Training School ‘The Dynamic Middle Ages’ to be held in Moscow on 28 September - 1 October, 2020.

This is the third ‘Dynamic Middle Ages’ School, that follows the first meeting in Moscow in 2012 and the second, dual, programme in Moscow and Düsseldorf in 2014 and 2016 respectively.

The School is organised by the Higher School of Economics (Professor Mikhail Boytsov), with the support of the German Historical Institute in Moscow (Professor Sandra Dahlke).

The programme of the School will comprise series of discussions of research projects presented by doctoral students and a field seminar at a medieval site or museum in or around Moscow (TBA).

Invited scholars, who will deliver lectures and seminars and comment on the students’ papers, include: Professors Mikhail Dmitriev (Moscow), Verena Epp (Marburg), Johannes Helmrath (Berlin), Sergey Ivanov (Moscow), Klaus Oschema (Bohum), Steffen Patzold (Tübingen), Eva Schlottheuber (Düsseldorf), Hans-Joachim Schmidt (Fribourg).

The working language of the School is English.

Applications are invited from early-stage PhD students (1st and 2nd years of doctoral programmes at the moment of application) of the Latin European Middle Ages, Ancient Rus' and the 'Byzantine Commonwealth'.

Doctoral students based in Europe, broadly understood as to incorporate adjacent countries, are eligible. An applicant must have started their PhD programme at the time of application.

Applications should include:

- Cover letter;

- Summary of the PhD project of no more than 12 000 characters with spaces (including references and footnotes);

- CV, including, where appropriate, a list of publications, papers, workshops and colloquia attended, as well as participation in summer schools and pedagogical experience;

- Reference letter from the applicant’s Supervisor or the Head of Department.

Applications and enclosed documents (in Word and/or PDF) should be sent electronically to by 23:59 of the 15th of May, 2020. The selection will be made by the international committee of experts. The results of the selection will be announced by the end of June, 2020.

Students who will be selected and invited to take part in the School are expected to:

− send a detailed overview of their research project (up to 30 000 characters) by the 20th of August 2020;

− make a review of another participant’s project at the School;

− read the detailed research projects of all the other participants;

− participate in all events of the School programme.

All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the conveners. The participants will have to apply for a Russian visa on their own expense (visa costs can be found on the web-site of the Russian consulates in each country).

The organizers hope that the situation will improve soon and allow holding the 'Dynamic Middle Ages' School as planned.



Maria Aleksandrova

21/4 L Staraya Basmannaya, Room A221-223, Moscow 105066
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