Work, Workers, and the Heroization of Everyday Life in Global Perspective

Work, Workers, and the Heroization of Everyday Life in Global Perspective

Nicola Spakowski (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg); Simon Wendt (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt); SFB 948 "Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen"
Werthmannstraße 8 / Rückgebäude, 1. OG, Raum 01011
Freiburg im Breisgau
Vom - Bis
08.06.2018 - 09.06.2018
Sebastian Meurer

The workshop sheds light on the heroization of ordinary, seemingly “un-heroic” people and their actions in everyday life in the twentieth century, with a particular focus on the heroization of work and workers. It combines an analysis of the social and political functions of heroes and heroines in Western and non-Western societies with an efforts to shine new light on the role of the working class in modern mass societies. Specifically, it focuses on the following questions: what particular norms and values did the heroization of ordinary people and their actions confirm, strengthen, or challenge? What do such forms of heroization tell us about the particular role that work and workers played in Western and non-Western societies, as well as the ways in which work, workers, and their contributions were defined and acknowledged? To what extent, was heroism redefined when being applied to “ordinary” people and everyday life, and how did these redefinitions change over the course of the twentieth century? Finally, how did heroizations of work and workers in socialist societies differ from similar forms of acclaim in capitalist societies during and after the Cold War? Papers on China, the Soviet Union, Romania, the United States, and Great Britain provide a comparative perspective that offers at least partial answers to these questions. In addition, this global perspective can help in analyzing the transnational dynamics that may have influenced the heroization of work and workers in Western and non-Western societies.

Admission free. Please register until May 30 via Email to


Friday, June 8, 2018

9:15 Welcome and Introduction
Nicola Spakowski and Simon Wendt

9:30-12:00 Panel 1: The Heroization of Workers in the Soviet Union and the United States, 1946-2000
Chair: Michael Goodrum (Christ Church Canterbury University)

- Dietmar Neutatz (University of Freiburg): Heroes of Labor in the Late Soviet Union and its Successor States: Changing Patterns of Heroization
- Simon Wendt (University of Frankfurt/University of Freiburg): Work, Workers, and the Heroization of Everyday Life in Cold War America

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30 Panel 2: Print Media, Propaganda, and Labor Heroes in China, 1950-1960
Chair: Dietmar Neutatz (University of Freiburg)

- Alexander Schröder (University of Freiburg): “Collective Heroism” and Labor in Shanghai: A Praxeological Analysis of Public Narratives in the Labor News (1951-1959)
- Haiyan Zhou (Nanjing University/University of Freiburg): Labor Hero Propaganda as Ritual: A Case Study of the Newspaper Reading Groups

15:30-16:00 Tea and Coffee

16:00-18:00 Panel 3: Romanian and American Interpretations of Heroism and Class before and after 1945
Chair: John Price (Goldsmiths, University of London)

- Michael Goodrum (Christ Church Canterbury University): The World As It Is And Could Be: Class and the Creation of Superheroes
- Constantin I. Iordachi (Central European University, Budapest): Heroes and Villains: Stakhanovites, Social Transformation, and the Fight against Class Enemies in Communist Romania

Saturday, June 9, 2018

9:00-11:00 Panel 4: Labor Heroism and Gender in China and the Soviet Union during World War II
Chair: Haiyan Zhou (Nanjing University/University of Freiburg)

- Nicola Spakowski (University of Freiburg): Women Labor Models in Yan’an and the Birth of the “Women of New China”
- Irina Tibilova (University of Freiburg): The Glorification of a Weaver in the Soviet Film Svetly Put (The Bright Path) by Grigory Aleksandrov

11:00-11:15 Tea and Coffee

11:15-12:45 Final Panel and Concluding Discussion
Chair: Simon Wendt (University of Frankfurt/University of Freiburg)

- John Price (Goldsmiths, University of London): Heralding Industrial Heroism: The Recognition of Workplace Bravery in Britain after 1918


Sebastian Meurer
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
SFB 948 "Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen"
Hebelstraße 25
D-79104 Freiburg i.Br.