DONALD BROOK, Art History?
C. BEHAN MCCULLAGH, What Do Historians Argue About?
ANDERS SCHINKEL, History and Historiography in Process
ELIAS PALTI, The “Return of the Subject” as a Historico-Intellectual Problem
Review Article:
Josef Chytry on Peter Murphy, Civic Justice: From Greek Antiquity to the Modern World
Review Essays:
JONATHAN GORMAN on Keith Michael Baker and Peter Hanns Reill, eds., What’s Left of Enlightenment? A Postmodern Question
NOEL BONNEUIL on Bertrand Roehner and Tony Syme, Pattern and Repertoire in History
JOHN ZAMMITO on Reinhart Koselleck, Zeitschichten: Studien zur Historik
RANDALL COLLINS on Donald R. Kelley, The Descent of Ideas: The History of Intellectual History
GEORG IGGERS on Jürgen Osterhammel, Geschichtswissenschaft Jenseits des Nationalstaats: Studien zu Beziehungsgeschichte und Zivilisationsvergleich