Štúdie a články/Articles/Studien
LENDEROVÁ, MilenaKuchařské knihy a národní identita v 19. století. Model z roku 1826: Domácí kuchařka aneb pojednání o masitých a postních pokrmech pro dcerky české a moravské od Magdaleny Dobromily Rettigové (Cookery books and national identity in the 19th century. The 1826 model: Home cookery book or a treatise on meat and Lenten fare food for Czech and Moravian women by Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová) pp. 195–205
The study focuses on the Home Cookery Book by Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová that was first published in 1826. The author analyses the book firstly in context of gastronomic trends of the period, secondly as a collective memory factor, thirdly as an expression of an attempt to codify the literary Czech language, fourthly as a model concept for future cookery books and last but not least, the author´s testimony of her life.
Keywords: National Identity; Cookery Books; Rettigová Magdalena Dobromila;
STRÁNÍKOVÁ, JanaKaždodenní život na venkovské faře v 19. století (Everyday life in a country parish in 19th century) pp. 206–223
Following article uses the example of František Šembera (1786–1840), priest in rural area in the first half of the 19th century. Introduced is not only his role of priest, but focus is given also on his everyday life – his letters and personal correspondence, his relation to siblings and his household.
Keywords: priest; pastoral care; parish household; everyday life; 19th century;
STOKLASOVÁ, HanaVýuka katechismu – každodennost kněze a žáka ve druhé polovině 19. století (Teaching catechism – the everydayness of a priest and a pupil in the second half of the 19th century) pp. 224–233
The paper focuses on all aspects of teaching catechism in the second half of the 19th century. The article deals with state legislation and the education laws relating to teaching religion in the observed period. It also describes how catechist posts were filled up and what demands were placed on the applicants. In addition, the paper studies the organization and the way of teaching catechism; a number of lessons in various types of schools, kinds of textbooks and methodology according to which catechism was taught.
Keywords: 19th century; school system; catechism; catechist; teaching of catechism;
SECKÁ, MilenaJosefa Křížková, Náprstková – všedný život slúžky (Josefa Křížková, Náprstková – everyday life of maid) pp. 234–240
Josefa Křížková, Náprstková (1838 – 1907) entered the service of the house U Halánků in 1856, as a servant at the distillery. Her desire for further education and her effort to bring some contribution to Czech society were fulfilled after the son of her employer Vojtěch returned to Prague. In 1874 opened Vojta his Czech industrial museum, and after his death, Josefa persevered the realization of his dreams, which she had completely adopted.
Keywords: Josefa Náprstková (1838–1907); Náprstek Museum; Czech Industrial Museum; American Club of Ladies;
VOŠAHLÍKOVÁ, PavlaProměny životního stylu v zrcadle reklamy (Changes in lifestyle in the light of advertisement) pp. 241–246
Changes in lifestyles in the 19th and early 20th century were mainly associated with modernization processes. Among the important tools enforcing these changes belonged advertisement. Following contribution deals primary with the Czech society. The assumptions of adapting new lifestyles were visible since the 1860s´ in the perspective region. The acceleration achieved peak after WWI. Important role played technical innovations on which focused also advertisement.
Keywords: lifestyle; modernization; advertising; technical innovations; 19th and 20th century;
HALÍŘOVÁ, MartinaKaždodenní život dětí a problematika delikvence za první světové války (The everyday life of children and problems of delinquency during the World War I.) pp. 247–253
The paper discusses the life of children during the First World War and the problem of delinquency and criminality of young people. The article uses the memories of Miroslav Mužik and Stanislav Řada. Stanislav Řada spent the war as a delinquent child – he stole coal, food and he roamed the streets of Prague while Miroslav Mužík spent his youth and the war in the reformatory. The paper describes the causes of the rising delinquency and also the lives of young delinquents. It compares the two life experiences. The war changed everything – influenced life in the institution and also the life out of the institution.
Keywords: World War I.; children; young people; delinquency; life experiences;
FALISOVÁ, Anna – MOROVICSOVÁ, EvaRealita v oblasti zdravotnej starostlivosti o deti na Slovensku v medzivojnovom období (The reality of healthcare provision for children in interwar Slovakia) pp. 253–273
The reality of healthcare provision for children in interwar Slovakia. In the field of medico-social care children require special attention. After the World War I. infant mortality reached a high value and solution to this problem had gained more and more to its timeliness. In the postwar period the International Red Cross in cooperation with the Czechoslovak government has provided important support for children. American Red Cross began the preventive examinations of children and health education work. Gradually based counselling, which provided care for mothers and children, records of children sick with tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. These consultations formed the basis of socio-medical care for children.
Keywords: Slovakia; children; infant mortality; health care; Red Cross;
ŠIDLÍKOVÁ, ZuzanaMódne časopisy na Slovensku 1945–1989 (Fashion Magazines in Slovakia 1945 – 1989) pp. 274–278
This article represents the beginning of fashion journalism. Although fashion papers appeared in the Slovak magazine Dennica after 1908, we can speak about the beginnings of Slovak fashion journalism in the postwar period. In January 1949, the first Slovak fashion magazine Mariena was started. However, it was published for only one year, and in 1950 it was replaced by the magazine Móda – textil (Fashion – Textile). In 1961 it was renamed Naša móda (Our Fashion) and later in 1968 to Móda (Fashion). It became part of the editorial office and as well as a design studio, where after 1969 it began to implement its own models, published in the magazine. Magazine Móda have become interesting platforms for close cooperation of experts – editors, designers, photographers, and other technology professionals.
Keywords: Fashion; design; magazine; fashion photography; Vlasta Hegerová; Anna Bohatová;
KIČKOVÁ, AdrianaOdborné školy pre ženské povolania 1922–1934 (Specialized schools for female professions 1922 – 1934) pp. 279–288
Following article describes organization of specialized schools for women stated in Normal Organizational Statute of Specialized Schools for Female Professions in 1922 and 1934. Described are instructions about the administration, teachers and students.
Keywords: Specialized Schools for Female Professions; women; Czechoslovak republic;
SOZANSKÁ, NinaK problematike organizácie dievčat v Hlinkovej mládeži dievčenskej (On the girls in Hlinka´s Youth girls organization) pp. 289–302
Following article is devoted to organizing of girls in the Hlinka´s Youth girls. This article briefly describes the development of the Slovak Hlinka Youth as such, way of organizing girls within Hlinka Youth.
Keywords: Hlinka´s Youth girls; slovak state 1939–1945; Hlinka´s Youth;
AL-ABSI, MarwanKaždodennosť a fenomén modernizácie v nomádskom prostredí 20. storočia (Everyday life and the phenomenon of modernization in nomadic society of the 20th century) pp. 303–310
Historical and geographical conditions of the Arab world divided living space for its population into urban, rural and nomadic. During the 20th century, Bedouin communities were exposed to significant impacts of urban and rural environments. The paper analyzes the transformation of everyday life of Syrian Bedouins that has reflected in various aspects of nomadic daily life in the last century.
Keywords: Arab nomads; Bedouins; Bedouin way of life; Syrian desert;
AL-ABSIOVÁ, EvaZahaľovanie žien – ideál a prax v dejinnom úseku 20. storočia (Veiling of women – ideal and practice in the 20th century) pp. 311–317
Veiling of women is a specific element of clothing culture in Arab and Muslim societies and its roots go back to ancient civilizations. As a phenomenon of current everyday reality, the veiling of women extends beyond the Islamic world. In the 20th century, this tradition has undergone many changes from the traditional to the modern understanding, from rejection to the revitalization of the tradition of veiling. The article follows these changes from a male and female perspective.
Key words: veiling of women; Muslim woman; Arab woman; symbolic meanings of the veil;
ČECHOVÁ, MarianaSemiotizácia každodennosti 19. a 20. storočia v umeleckom obraze (selektívna rekognoskácia) pp. 318–324
This paper focuses on the interpretation iconic (semiotic) portrayal of everyday reality in fairy tales from two northern authors – the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen (19th cent.) and Latvian writer Karlis Skalbe (20th cent.), on the comparative background of opposition realistic / historically factual / believable – fictional / magic / fantasy.
Keywords: reality; imagery; author’s fairy tale; H. Ch. Andersen; K. Skalbe;
Anotácie / Annotations/ Glossen
NICOLS, J.: Civic patronage in the Roman empire. (Zuzana Szabóová), pp. 325–326
Kronika/Chronicle/Chronik – pp. 327–333