Digital Classics Online 3 (2017), 3

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Digital Classics Online 3 (2017), 3
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Digital Classics Online
Sylvia Kurowsky Universität Leipzig Historisches Seminar Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte Redaktion Digital Classics Online Ritterstr. 12, Raum 302, 04109 Leipzig E-Mail: Tel: +49 341 9737071
Uta, Isabell

Neben einem interessanten Editorial, das sich mit bevorstehenden Problemen in Bezug auf Open Access auseinandersetzt, werden in den Digital Classics Online Artikeln verschiedene digitale Methoden vorgestellt, die die Gewinnung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse sowie ihre Darstellung ermöglichen, d.h. präzise Beiträge zur Paraphrasensuche mit word2vec, zum Zitieren von Graphen und zur Visualisierung von Münzfunden.
Im letzten Beitrag wird daneben das Projekt "eManual" vorgestellt, welches das Ziel verfolgt, das Lernen in der Alten Geschichte zu vereinfachen.



Teile vs. herrsche? Open Access und das Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht
Charlotte Schubert

Digital Classics Online Artikel:

Beyond Screenshots: Machine-Actionable, Canonical, Semantic Citation of Graphed Data
Christopher William Blackwell

In 2016 and 2017, a series of conferences for European philologists was organized around the question, “What digital services, collections or curricula need to be developed so that a field of study can flourish in a digital society?” This paper argues for the need to cite graphs of data with machine-actionable canonical citation, independently of the data organized by a graph. It describes ongoing work to implement a “Canonical Graph Service” into the CITE/CTS framework used by the Homer Multitext (HMT). It describes citation of graphs, parts of graphs, and sub-graphs by URN, with some examples of how such URN citations might usefully be resolved. Finally, I discuss the limits of this approach, problems that will not be solved by a Canonical Graph Service. This approach may facilitate the creation of generic tools for documenting syntax across languages, integrating data from diverse projects, and opening new areas of research to scholars outside of quantitative fields.

Paraphrasensuche mittels word2vec und der Word Mover’s Distance im Altgriechischen
Marcus Pöckelmann, Jörg Ritter, Eva Wöckener-Gade, Charlotte Schubert

To find receptions of Plato‘s work within the ancient Greek literature, automatic methods would be a useful assistance. Unfortunately, such methods are often knowledge-based and thus restricted to extensively annotated texts, which are not available to a sufficient extent for ancient Greek. In this article, we describe an approach that is based on the distributional hypotheses instead, to overcome the problem of missing annotations. This approach uses word2vec and the related Word Mover‘s Distance to determine phrases with similar meaning. Despite its experimental state, the method produces some meaningful results as shown in three examples.

The Third Side of the Coin: Using Google Earth to Visualize Numismatic Data
Kristina Neumann, John Wallrodt

This article presents one digital approach to ancient numismatics. The proposed methodology maps geo-referenced quantities of coin finds within the platform of Google Earth – a free virtual globe available through the Internet. Especially for the uninitiated scholar, Google Earth efficiently visualizes both the spatial and chronological distribution of thousands of coins and provides an intuitive and interactive space for exploring regional and empire-wide patterns in their movement. While the practical applications of this methodology are many, this article focuses on an ongoing study of Antioch-on-the-Orontes in northern Syria and its regional evolution after Roman annexation. This project draws upon Google Earth as an invaluable first step in synthesizing the wealth of disparate coin data available for the city. After outlining the methodology to achieve such a visualization, this article highlights several promising patterns revealed by Google Earth in the dataset.

Ankündigungen und Projektberichte:

Das eManual Alte Geschichte – ein digitales Lernszenario der Alten Geschichte
Jan Seehusen

The eManual Alte Geschichte is a digital introduction to Ancient History and contains mostly Open Educational Resources. Users can learn about Ancient history by using podcasts, ancient sources in translation (and with comments), secondary literature, and other material (such as lists of Roman emperors). Under the direction of Werner Riess, a team of seven contributors created the contents and layout of the blog from November 2015 until June 2017. In a second phase of the project in 2018, the blog will be extended and re-launched in 2019

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