Annali Recensioni Online I (2018), 2

Annali Recensioni Online I (2018), 2
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Published on
Trento 2018: FBK Press
3 issues per year (January, May, September)
Open access



Organization name
Bernardini, Giovanni

Annali Recensioni Online I 2018 - 2

Editors: Christoph Cornelißen, Edoardo Tortarolo (Editor in Chief)
Managing Editors: Fernanda Alfieri, Giovanni Bernardini, Maurizio Cau, Gabriele D’Ottavio, Claudio Ferlan, Cecilia Nubola, Katia Occhi, Massimo Rospocher

Annali Recensioni Online provides a forum for discussion among historians and all those interested in history. The new electronic journal is devoted entirely to book reviews in keeping with a trend that is becoming widespread in international scientific publishing. Reviews of the newest scientific literature that until now were published in the "Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico / Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts" will henceforth be published exclusively in ARO.

ARO will appear three times a year and review mainly new publications focusing on European history, with special attention on the German- and Italian-speaking areas. Furthermore — not unlike its German-language cousin "sehepunkte" — ARO will have an epoch-spanning, interdisciplinary, and international orientation.
Have a look:

Table of contents


Forum "Recent Studies on Machiavelli"

Lucio Biasiori, Nello scrittoio di Machiavelli. «Il Principe» e la «Ciropedia» di Senofonte
review by Paolo Carta

Sandro Landi, Lo sguardo di Machiavelli. Una nuova storia intellettuale
review by Michele Lodone

Early Modern History (16th–18th Century)

Matthieu Lecoutre, Le goût de l’ivresse. Boire en France depuis le Moyen Âge (Ve – XXIe siècle)
review by Claudio Ferlan

Barbara H. Rosenwein, Generazioni di sentimenti. Una storia delle emozioni (600–1700)
review by Fernanda Alfieri

Heinz Schilling, 1517. Storia mondiale di un anno
review by Alessandro Paris

Paola Molino, L’impero di carta. Storia di una biblioteca e di un bibliotecario (Vienna, 1575–1608)
review by Massimo Scandola

Karl Härter, Strafrechts- und Kriminalitätsgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit
review by Angela De Benedictis

Salvatore Bono, Schiavi. Una storia mediterranea (XVI–XIX secolo)
review by Federica Morelli

Giorgio Dell’Oro, Carta e potere. La carta «lombarda» e l’Europa dagli Asburgo ai Savoia. Acqua, stracci, carta, colla e penne (secoli XVI–XIX)
review by Katia Occhi

19th Century

Francesca Brunet, Florian Huber (eds.), Vormärz. Eine Geteilte Geschichte Trentino-Tirols / Una storia condivisa Trentino-Tirolese
review by Elena Taddei

Contemporary History (20th–21st Century)

Gastone Breccia, 1915: l’Italia va in trincea
review by Antonio Varsori

Giovanni Bernardini, Günther Pallaver (eds.), Dialogue against Violence. The Question of Trentino-South Tyrol in the International Contex
review by Sarah Oberbichler

Martina Mengoni, Primo Levi e i tedeschi
review by Matteo Fadini

Elena Aronova, Simone Turchetti (eds.), Science Studies during the Cold War and Beyond. Paradigms Defected
review by Francesco Cassata

Mauro Forno, La cultura degli altri. Il mondo delle missioni e la decolonizzazione
review by Antonio Benci

Simone Selva, Before the Neoliberal Turn. The Rise of Energy Finance and the Limits to US Foreign Economic Policy
review by Duccio Basosi

Petra Terhoeven, Die Rote Armee Fraktion. Eine Geschichte terroristischer Gewalt
review by Laura Di Fabio

Martin Baumeister, Bruno Bonomo, Dieter Schott (eds.), Cities Contested. Urban Politics, Heritage, and Social Movements in Italy and West Germany in the 1970s
review by Andrea Brighenti

Lutz Maeke, DDR und PLO. Die Palästinapolitik des SED-Staates
review by Massimiliano Trentin

Elisabetta Bini, Giuliano Garavini, Frederico Romero (eds.), Oil Shock. The 1973 Crisis and its Economic Legacy

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