Annali.Recensioni.Online IV (2021), 2

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Annali.Recensioni.Online IV (2021), 2
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Trento 2021: FBK Press
3 issues per year (January, May, September)
Free Access



Bernardini, Giovanni

Annali Recensioni Online IV, 2021/2

Annali Recensioni Online provides a forum for discussion among historians and all those interested in history. The new electronic journal is devoted entirely to book reviews in keeping with a trend that is becoming widespread in international scientific publishing. Reviews of the newest scientific literature that until now were published in the "Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico / Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts" will henceforth be published exclusively in ARO.

ARO will appear three times a year and review mainly new publications focusing on European history, with special attention on the German- and Italian-speaking areas. Furthermore — not unlike its German-language cousin "sehepunkte" — ARO will have an epoch-spanning, interdisciplinary, and international orientation.

For further information:



Forum “Italy as History”

Francesco Benigno, E. Igor Mineo (eds), "L'Italia come storia"
Reviews by Christof Dipper, Isabella Lazzarini, Francesca Sofia

Theory, Methodology, Teaching

Isabella Consolati, "Dominare tempi inquieti"
review by Angela De Benedictis


Paolo Preto, Walter Panciera, Andrea Savio (eds), "Falsi e falsari nella Storia"
review by Alexander Hilpert

Patrice Gueniffey, "Napoleon and de Gaulle"
review by Matthias Wächter

Marcella Aglietti, Mathieu Grenet, Fabrice Jesné (eds), "Consoli e consolati italiani dagli stati preunitari al fascismo (1802-1945)"
review by Federico Melotto

Early Modern History (16th-18th Century)

Georg Christ, Franz-Julius Morche (eds), "Cultures of Empire"
review by Daniele Dibello

Marina Cavallera, Silvia A. Conca Messina, Blythe Alice Raviola (eds), "Le vie del cibo"
review by Flavia Tudini

Alessandra Quaranta, "Medici-physici trentini nella seconda metà del Cinquecento"
review by Vincenzo Tedesco

Luca Scholz, "Borders and Freedom of Movement in the Holy Roman Empire"
review by Rosa Salzberg

Colin Rose, "A Renaissance of Violence"
review by Umberto Cecchinato

19th Century

Salvatore Rigione, "Sulle tracce di una mitografia italiana della razza nella rincorsa coloniale"
review by Renato Mazzolini

Contemporary History (20th-21st Century)

Massimo L. Salvadori, "Giolitti"
review by Luigi Giorgi

Andrea Bonoldi, Andrea Leonardi, Cinzia Lorandini (eds), "Wartime and Peacetime Inflation in Austria-Hungary and Italy (1914–1925)"
review by Maddalena Guiotto

Sonia Residori, "Nessuno è rimasto ozioso"
review by Alessandro Salvador

Wilko Graf von Hardenberg, "A Monastery for the Ibex"
review Luigi Piccioni

Corinna Schlombs, "Productivity Machines. German Appropriations of American Technology from Mass Production to Computer Automation"
review by Jacopo Ciammariconi

Christoph Cornelißen, Dirk van Laak (eds), "Weimar und die Welt"
review by Alexander Gallus

Ali Abdullatif Ahmida, "Genocide in Libya"
review by Luca Castiglioni

Hagen Fleischer, Chryssoula Kambas (eds), "Krieg und Nachkrieg"
review by Paolo Fonzi

Marcello Flores, Mimmo Franzinelli, "Storia della Resistenza"
review by Ruth Nattermann

Antonio Varsori, Annalisa Urbano, "Mogadiscio 1948. Un eccidio di italiani fra decolonizzazione e guerra fredda"
review by Nicola Camilleri

Nicola Sbetti, "Giochi diplomatici"
review by Umberto Tulli

Petra Weber, "Getrennt und doch vereint"
review by Christoph Herkströter

Francesco Bello, "Diplomazia culturale e guerra fredda"
review by Andrea Mariuzzo

Costanza Calabretta, "Rivoluzione pacifica e Unità"
review by Teresa Malice

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