Stichproben, Vienna Journal of African Studies, Nr. 35/2018
Artikel / Articles
African Pentecostalism and Mediatised Self-Branding in Catholic (Flanders) Belgium Joseph Bosco Bangura
Looking East/Going South: The Namibian-Chinese “All-Weather Friendship” Henning Melber
The African Union’s twin APSA and AGA agenda – Moving beyond donor dependence and member states’ resistance? Ulf Engel
The African Union, the African Youth Commission (AYC) and the Pan-African Youth Union (PYU): Sabotaging or bureaucratizing the youth? Job Shipululo Amupanda
Thoughts on two late 18th Century Histories of Dahomey relating to the Anti-Slavery Debate Arno Sonderegger
Rezensionen / Reviews
Dominik Spörker:Malzner, Sonja/ Peiter, Anne D. (Hg.). 2018. Der Träger: Zu einer ‚tragenden‘ Figur der Kolonialgeschichte. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. 392 Seiten.
Eric Burton:Marx, Christoph. 2017. Mugabe. Ein afrikanischer Tyrann. München: Beck. 333 Seiten.
Eric Burton:Pavanello, Mariano (ed.). 2017. Perspectives on African Witchcraft. London/New York: Routledge. 226 pp.
Tunde Adeleke:Engel, Elisabeth. 2015. Encountering Empire: African American Missionaries in Colonial Africa, 1900-1939. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 303 pp.