Historický časopis 65 (2017), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historický časopis 65 (2017), 3
Weiterer Titel 

Veda, vydavateľstvo 2017: Slovak Academic Press
Anzahl Seiten
192 S.
€ 5,00



Historický časopis
SVK 813 64 Bratislava, Klemensova 19
Fabriciusová, Miroslava




„História historikov“. Kariérne sínusoidy historikov z Pedagogickej fakulty v Banskej Bystrici v kontexte spoločenského odmäku a normalizácie po invázii vojsk Varšavskej zmluvy do Československa
(“A History of the Historians”: Career Ups and Downs of Historians from the Faculty of Education in Banská Bystrica in the Context of the Liberalization and Normalization after the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia)
S. 385-410.

In the history of every academic institute (department) one can find events that do not deserve to be forgotten. The year 1968 and its consequences deeply affected all aspects of public life including academia. The Faculty of Education (a direct predecessor of Matej Bel University) in Banská Bystrica was no exception. Dynamic processes and phenomena, typical of the short period of liberalization of the Communist regime followed by 20 years of so-called Normalization, had a major impact on the destiny of the Faculty staff.
The paper shows how the major changes in the Czechoslovak Communist regime influenced the further careers of historians employed at the Faculty in the 1970s and 1980s using the examples of former Dean Július Alberty and Miloš Štilla. Their stories represent two paths that society followed in the discussed period – a path of harassment by the new post-invasion power holders and a path of active cooperation/collaboration with the structures of the regime, as well as cooperation with the State Security (Štátna bezpečnosť).
Key words: Faculty of Education in Banská Bystrica. 1968 Occupation of Czecho-slovakia. Political purges. Normalization. Július Alberty.


Hospodárenie mestskej komory v Bratislave na základe rozboru komorných kníh mesta Bratislavy z rokov 1434 ¬– 1528
(The economic activity of the City Chamber in Bratislava on the basis of analysis of the chamber books of the city of Bratislava from the period 1434 – 1528)
S. 411-443.

The study aims to research and explain the income and expenditure of the Bratislava City Chamber in the 15th century especially from the financial point of view. The main source material is the 79 selected chamber account books (Kammerbuch) kept in the Archives of the City of Bratislava, Capital of Slovakia. The year of origin of the chamber books also limited the researched period, which begins in 1434 the year of the first surviving book and ends in 1528, two years after the Battle of Mohács. The introduction gives an account of the City Chamber and of the chamber books as source materials, while the two main parts analyse the individual items of income and expenditure recorded in the chamber books.
Key words: 15th century. Economy. Cabinet book. Currency.

Tajný knižný obchod po vypuknutí Veľkej francúzskej revolúcie. Symptómy latentných dejín komunikácie
(The secret book trade after the outbreak of the Great French Revolution. Symptoms of the latent history of communication)
S. 445-470.

The study analyses the censorship legislation and censorship records from the period of the Great French Revolution with the aim of pointing to the existence of a latent world in the history of communications as a result of the action of disciplinizing pressure. It captures the investigation of the distribution of anonymous political pamphlets and the unsuccessful search of the whole of Hungary for the secret private printing press with the aim of eliminating the problematic anonymous texts that threatened the public peace. Analysis of the innovative censorship legislation and sources on the investigation and testimony of importers enable us to generalize about not only the adaptation of importing practices to the adjusted conditions, but also about the methods of exculpation in the detention of suspected goods. The study shows that the illegal book trade was an important part of the history of communications, which spread and reproduced untolerated ideas in spite of prohibitions.
Key words: Great French Revolution. Publishing of books. Book trade, Censorship. Disciplinization. Latence. 18th century. Kingdom of Hungary.

LETKOVÁ Alexandra
Jan Antonín Baťa – osud veľkopodnikateľa v povojnovom Československu
(Jan Antonín Baťa – The Fate of a Businessman in post-war Czechoslovakia)
S. 471-492.
In modern Slovak and Czech history, we are exceptionally confronted with retribution trial proceedings, which are so topical in the 21st century, as in the case of Jan Antonín Baťa. The media in recent years have brought much, often contradictory, information about the fate of J. A. Baťa, who was convicted in 1947 by the National Court in Prague as a war criminal. The course of Baťa’s retribution process has crossed the borders of Czechoslovakia and Europe as well. Until the end of his life, J. A. Baťa declared his innocence and considered the process against his person to be manipulated and purposeful. The story of his life is, however, much more complicated than his condemnation. He was the head of one of the largest concerns in Czechoslovakia and in the world. His life is full of magnificent ascents and equally great economic and human downfalls. For example, there is a stain on his reputation from a lawsuit between him and Maria Baťová, the widow of his step brother Tomáš Baťa, and Tomáš Baťa Jr.
Key words: Jan Antonín Baťa. Baťa Family History. History of Baťa Shoe Co. National Court in Prague. Retribution in Czechoslovakia. Lawsuits in the Baťa Family.

Gréckokatolícka cirkev a Židia na Slovensku v rokoch 1939 – 1945
(The Greek Catholic Church and the Jews in Slovakia in 1939 – 1945)
S. 493-513.

Greek Catholics and Jews in the years 1939 – 1945 involuntarily found themselves in opposition to the wartime Slovak Republic facing unfair anti-Semitic and national politics. Both communities were affected by restrictive measures to different extents but for the Jews they had tragic consequences. Christian faith, disapproval of the anti-Semitic policy of the ruling regime, and especially the publicly declared attitude and concrete actions of the Bishop of Prešov Pavel Peter Gojdič led many Greek Catholics to render assistance to racially persecuted people. Despite the considerable lapse of time and the nature of research problems, combination of the preserved Church and State archival documents with the testimonies of the rescued and their descendants gathered by the oral history method, we succeeded in reconstructing the attitudes and activities of the Greek Catholic Church in favour of the Jews.
Keywords: Greek Catholic Church. Jews. Slovak state. Deportations. Rescue of the Jews.

Ideový obsah osláv 20. výročia Povstania
(The conceptual content of the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Uprising)
S. 515-539.
The study analyses the conceptual content of the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the 1944 Uprising in Slovakia, an event that the Czechoslovak communists appropriated and used as one of the ways of legitimizing their power. The celebrations of the Uprising in 1964 retained their socialist – revolutionary character, reshaped into the allegedly “constructive” message of the Uprising. However, thanks to the rehabilitation of the victims of the trials of “bourgeois nationalists”, the national aspect of the events was beginning to shine through. It is possible to say that at the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Uprising in 1964, the socialist – revolutionary and national elements merged, which only confirms the reality that the communists connected with older cultural traditions and could not suppress modern national consciousness in a more cultured state.
Key words: Uprising. Slovak National Uprising. 1960s. Celebrations. Slovak national movement.


HUDÁČEK Pavol, Castrum Salis. Severné pohraničie Uhorska okolo roku 1000 (Miroslav Lysý) S. 541

Riccardus Bartolinus/Richard Bartolini: Odeporicon (Miloš Marek) S. 543

STONE Dan, Concentration camps. A short history (Denisa Nešťáková) S. 545


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