Germany in Europe (Special Issue on Before and Now: History journal, 3/2023)

Germany in Europe (Special Issue on Before and Now: History journal, 3/2023)

University of Turku, Centre for Parliamentary Studies
Vom - Bis
09.06.2022 -
Kimmo Elo, Zentrum für Parlamentsforschung, Universität Turku, Finnland

This Special Issue on "Germany in Europe" welcomes scientific contributions dealing with Germany’s position and role in Europe after World War II from the perspective of contemporary history or social sciences, broadly understood. Topics include, but are not limited to:

1) How has German foreign, EU and European policy evolved?
2) What is Germany's position in the EU and Europe and how has it changed?
3) How European and non-European countries have perceived and perceive Germany?

Germany in Europe (Special Issue on Before and Now: History journal, 3/2023)

After its reunification in 1990, Germany returned to the position of a European central power with significant political and economic weight. As late as in the 1990s Germany was, however, considered the “sick man of Europe”. But since the eurozone crisis (2008/2009), refugee crisis (2015), brexit (2016) and the severe geopolitical conflicts with Russia (2008, 2014 and 2022 onward), Germany is facing growing demands on and hopes for a stronger role and leadership within the EU. The new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), who entered power in 2021, is receiving the baptism fire of his European and foreign policy in the course of Russia’s aggressive war against Ukraine. At the same time, the war in Ukraine has revealed the integration political vacuum left behind by Scholz’ predecessor Angela Merkel after her 16 years in power (2005-2021). It is expected to take years to overcome the long shadows of her legacy.

This Special Issue on “Germany in Europe” welcomes scientific contributions dealing with Germany’s position and role in Europe after World War II from the perspective of contemporary history or social sciences, broadly understood. Topics include, but are not limited to:

- How has German foreign, EU and European policy evolved?
- What is Germany's position in the EU and Europe and how has it changed?
- How European and non-European countries have perceived and perceive Germany?

Contributions are expected to broadly represent human sciences and to offer theoretical or methodical openings or new sources, improving our understanding of factors behinds German and European developments.

The language of the manuscripts can be Finnish or English. Shorter research notes and book reviews can also be offered to this Special Issue. Research articles will undergo a peer-review process, research notes and book reviews are evaluated by the editorial board.

If you are interested in submitting a contribution to this Special Issue, please email a short abstract (including a preliminary title) of 150-200 words to the guest editor, Dr. Kimmo Elo ( The abstract submission deadline is June 30, 2022. Notifications of acceptance with detailed instructions for the author will be send by the end of August 2022. A first version of the manuscript must be submitted on January 31, 2023, at the latest. The Special Issue will be published in September 2023.

“Before & Now” (Finnish original title: “Ennen & Nyt”) is a Finnish scientific, open access journal of history and its adjacent fields. The editor-in-chief is Dr. Olli Kleemola. More information about the publication can be found on the publication's web page:


University of Turku
Centre for Parliamentary Studies
Dr Kimmo Elo
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Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Englisch, Finnish
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