The History of Architectural History

The History of Architectural History

Technische Universität Dresden
Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Rome
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08.11.2022 - 09.11.2022
Pierre-Olivier Védrine

Symposium of the Technische Universität Dresden at the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca in Rome, in cooperation with the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris (Paris Sciences & Lettres University)

The History of Architectural History

Scientific direction: Henrik Karge (Technische Universität Dresden), Sabine Frommel (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris Sciences & Lettres University) and Claudio Strinati (Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Rome)

Tuesday 8 November, 2022, from 9 am to 5.45 pm
Wednesday 9 November, 2022, from 9 am to 5.30 pm
Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Piazza dell’Accademia di San Luca 77, Roma

Speakers: Francesco Amendolagine, Barbara Arciszewska, Alexandra C. Axtmann, Marianna Brancia Di Apricena, Antonio Brucculeri, Juan Calatrava, Marianna Charitonidou, Benjamin Chavardès, Giovanna D’Amia, Ute Engel, Péter Farbaky, Gianmario Guidarelli, Bruno Klein, Magdalena Kunińska, Sarah W. Lynch, François-René Martin, Olimpia Niglio, Sergio Pace, Michela Rosso, Ronah Sadan, Gáspár Salamon, Simona Talenti, Tobias Teutenberg.

Free access. Information:,

For the first time, the symposium on the History of Architectural History will attempt to understand and describe the increasing importance of architectural historiography as a European phenomenon on an international level. In this sense, the different understandings of this discipline in several European countries will be examined, also with regard to the reciprocal effects of their respective methodologies. Renowned experts from Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, Poland, Hungary and Greece will contribute diverse national and supranational perspectives.
The symposium will analyse the genesis and development of architectural historiography within the panorama of historical sciences, especially in relation to the history of art. Here, the authors of architectural history must be examined: art historians, architectural theorists and practical architects have each developed specific perspectives. Fundamental is the relationship to the social and political situation of the country concerned. Did architectural history contribute to the development of national identities and stereotypes?
On the other hand, a largely standardised development model of European architectural styles emerged during the 19th century, which was understood in the 20th century as the basis of different conceptions of modernity and of contemporary architecture. In this respect, can the interactions of the different countries, their academic institutions and specific traditions be grasped? Finally, the view should also be expanded to include global perspectives on the history of architecture.


8 November, 2022

9.00 Welcome and Introduction
- Claudio Strinati (Accademia di San Luca, Rome): Welcoming Address
- Henrik Karge and Sabine Frommel: Introduction

Constructions of National Histories of Architecture I: Italy and Spain
10.00 Sergio Pace (Politecnico di Torino): “Toccar la polvere del passato”. Per una storia della storiografia architettonica italiana di primo Ottocento
10.20 Juan Calatrava (Universidad de Granada): El proceso de construcción de una historiografía arquitectónica en España, 1766-1848
10.40 Discussion
11.00 Coffee Break

Constructions of National Histories of Architecture II: Denmark and Poland
11.20 Ronah Sadan (Aarhus University): International Styles and Local Character: Constructing Danish Medieval Architectural History in the Nineteenth Century
11.40 Magdalena Kunińska (Jagiellonian University, Cracow): A Style as a Tool for Self-differentiation and the Beginnings of the History of Architecture in Poland
12.00 Barbara Arciszewska (University of Warsaw): Architectural History and Discourse of National Identity in Polish Historiography of the 20th Century
12.20 Discussion
12.40 Lunchtime Break

European Renaissance – Concepts and Their Creators
14.40 Giovanna D'Amia (Politecnico di Milano): La fortuna di Bramante e dello stile bramantesco nella cultura architettonica del primo Ottocento
15.00 Antonio Brucculeri (École nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-La Villette): Rilievi, restituzioni e disegni originali nello sguardo dello storico dell’architettura rinascimentale: Paul Marie Letarouilly e il contributo degli architetti beaux-arts
15.20 Sarah W. Lynch (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): What is „German Renaissance Architecture“? The Reception of 16th Century Architecture in Germany and Its Place in Architectural History Today
15.40 Discussion
16.00 Coffee Break

European Baroque – Concepts and Their Creators
16.20 Ute Engel (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg): An Athletic Art. Italian Baroque Architecture and Bodily Experience in the Views of Cornelius Gurlitt (1887), Heinrich Wölfflin (1888) and August Schmarsow (1897)
16.40 Gáspár Salamon (Humboldt-Universität Berlin): “Maria-Theresien-Stil”. Architecture, Historiography, and Dynastic Representation in Vienna and Budapest around 1900
17.00 Péter Farbaky (Budapest History Museum): La prima fioritura della storiografia ungherese dell’architettura: tra le due Guerre mondiali, nel segno del Barocco
17.20 – 17.40 Discussion

9 November, 2022
European Perspectives of the 19th and 20th Centuries
9.00 Alexandra C. Axtmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): Wilhelm Lübke – Architectural History in the Context of Academic Teaching, Contemporary Discourse and Popular Science at the Rise of a Discipline
9.20 François-René Martin (École du Louvre, Paris): L’architecture dans l’historiographie française entre 1900 et 1930
9.40 Michela Rosso (Politecnico di Torino): 1930s’ Tales of English Architecture, and the Emergence of Architectural History in Britain
10.00 Discussion
10.20 Coffee Break

Italian Perspectives of the 20th Century
10.40 Simona Talenti (Università di Salerno): La fortuna critica in Italia dello studioso britannico Robert Willis: la diffusione di un pensiero storiografico moderno, tra silenzi, assonanze e riscoperta

11.00 Marianna Brancia di Apricena (Royal Holloway College, London): La specificità della Scuola italiana di Storia dell’Architettura nel contesto europeo ed internazionale
11.20 Benjamin Chavardès (École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon): La “scuola romana”: une histoire pour le projet
11.40 Discussion
12.00 Lunchtime Break

Methodological Aspects of Architectural History
14.00 Francesco Amendolagine (Università degli Studi di Udine): L’inquieto rapporto fra materia, tecne e la storia dell’architettura – tre casi esemplari: Bramante nella Sacrestia Milanese, il disegno michelangiolesco 127 A e il progetto di Villa Lippomano attribuito al Longhena
14.20 Tobias Teutenberg (Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Rome): Triangles, Squares and Circles: On the International Reception of Form and Measurement Research
14.40 Gianmario Guidarelli (Università degli Studi di Padova): Storia dell’architettura e tecnologie digitali: potenzialità narrative e sfida epistemologica
15.00 Discussion
15.20 Coffee Break

Global Aspects of Architectural History
15.40 Bruno Klein (Technische Universität Dresden): Salite e discese del gotico – la storia di uno stile architettonico differente
16.00 Olimpia Niglio (Università di Pavia / Hosei University, Tokyo): Il linguaggio sincretico dell’architettura giapponese nella sua evoluzione storica
16.20 Marianna Charitonidou (Athens School of Fine Arts): Architectural History and Re-inventing Temporal Structures: Beyond Eurocentric Narratives
16.40 Discussion

17.00 – 17.30 Final Discussion


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