Aileen Behrendt, Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Univ.
13:00 Arrival, Registration, and Coffee
13:30 Conference Welcome
14:00 Keynote: Prof. Dr. Emer O’Sullivan: Blyton’s Island(s)
15:00 Panel I: Writing Englishness in a Global Context
Prof. Dr. Rose-May Pham Dinh: The Englishness of Blyton’s school stories: a long-lasting puzzle for French readers?
Sofia Skeva: “Only toys are allowed to stay in Toy Village”: Thinking the Nation and (Dis)Locating Postwar Englishness in Enid Blyton’s Noddy Goes to Toyland (1949)
16:30 Coffee Break
16:45 Panel II: Ideology and Postcolonial Desire in Blyton
Prof. Dr. Rainer Emig: Ideological Desire in Enid Blyton
Dr. Deepti Ruth Azaria: Writing the caravan adventure: Examining traveller culture and holiday experience in the carnivalesque spaces of Blyton’s fiction
18:15 Break
19:00 Conference Dinner
09:00 Keynote: Prof. Dr. Kimberley Reynolds: "The house was crazy with the sound of Blyton": managing crises with Blyton’s Adventure books
10:00 Coffee Break
10:15 Panel III: Comparative Readings of Blyton: From England to Nigeria and India
Judith Simon: Childhoodnature in Enid Blyton’s The Faraway Tree Series and Ben Okri’s Every Leaf a Hallelujah
Abiral Kumar: Imported Mysteries and Abandoned Childhood: Reading Enid Blyton and Ruskin Bond in postcolonial children’s fiction.
11:45 Coffee Break
12:00 Panel IV: Intersectional Approaches to Blyton's Oeuvre
Dr. Hadassah Stichnothe: Clothing, Class, and the Body in Enid Blyton's Fiction
Dr. Athira Mohan: Food and the Female: A Reading of Selected Blytonian Narratives
13:30 Lunch Break
14:30 Panel V: Blyton2: The Twins at St.' Clares series and its reception
Stefanie Holanik: The role of sports in Enid Blyton’s St. Clare’s series: The disciplined body, physical desires, and power dynamics
Benita Berthman: The Twins at Lindenhof? Radio Plays as a Transnational and Transmedial Adaptation of Enid Blyton
16:00 Panel VI: Blyton as a Brand? Of Adaptations and Author Representation
Prof. Dr. Lena Hoffmann: Famous, infamous, ignored: Enid Blyton as an invisible star author
Dr. Stefanie Jakobi: Blyton is Wilson is Caspari – The Re-Writes and Sequels and their influence on the Blyton brand
17:30 Student Exhibition
18:30 Break
19:30 A Blyton Evening with the English Drama Group
Chair: Dr. Aileen Behrendt
10:00 Young Researcher Keynote: Dr. Siobhán Morrissey: The Failure of a Colour-Blind Approach to Remove the Racism from Enid Blyton’s Fiction
10:45 Panel VII: Revisiting the Legacy of Enid Blyton in Germany, Russia, and Poland: Gender, Class, and Crime in a New World
Panel Chair: Prof. Dr. Hélène Mélat
Prof. Dr. Marina Balina: Reading Early Russian Children's Detectives through Enid Blyton's Literary Matrix
Prof. Dr. Larissa Rudova: The Rise of the Detective Genre in Post-Soviet Children’s Literature: Enid Blyton and Middle-Class Values
11:15 Coffee Break
Dr. Ada Bieber: Ambivalent Girlhood in German Film Adaptations of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five and St. Clare’s
Dr. Mateusz Świetlicki: Enid Blyton and the Changing Polish Canon of Children’s Literature
13:00 Conference Closing and Famous Five Picknick
14:00 Departure