Popular History 1800-1900-2000

Popular History 1800-1900-2000

DFG-Forschergruppe 875 "Historische Lebenswelten in populären Wissenskulturen der Gegenwart"
Universität Freiburg, Wilhelmstr. 26, Raum 01014
Vom - Bis
22.07.2010 - 24.07.2010
Thorsten Leiendecker

Der gegenwärtige Geschichtsboom hat in jeweils verschiedener Form bereits Vorläufer im 19. und im 20. Jahrhundert. Die Konferenz "Popular History 1800 - 1900 - 2000" widmet sich diesen früheren Popularitätswellen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive in Überblicksdarstellungen und einzelnen Fallstudien. Die Tagung findet in englischer Sprache statt.


Donnerstag 22 Juli

15:00-15:30 Barbara Korte and Sylvia Paletschek (Freiburg): Introduction

15:30-16.30 Billie Melman (Tel Aviv, History): The Bull of Nineveh: Empires, Antiquity and Modernity in British Popular Culture, Circa 1840-1900

17:00-18:00 Stefan Berger (Manchester, Modern History): Academic and Popular Historiography 1800-1900-2000

18:00-18:45 Philipp Müller (London, Modern History): "The Opening of the Archives": Historical Interest and the Administering of State Archives

Freitag 23 Juli

09:00-10:00 Susan Crane (Tuscon, AZ, Modern History): The Presence of the Past as Visual Experience, 1800/1900/2000

10:00-10:45 Anja Butenschön (Munich, Art History): In Quest of Authentic History: The Eyewitness of the French Revolution

11:15-12:00 Birte Förster (Darmstadt, Modern History): Unruly Historical Knowledge - Popular Versions of a Pious Queen, 1860-1960

12:00-12:45 Brigitte Braun and Wolfgang Koller (Trier/Berlin, History/Media Studies): Reflections on One’s Own Present: Remembering the Napoleonic Wars in German Films (1895-1945)

15:00-16:00 Leslie Howsam (Windsor, ON, History): Growing Up with History in the Victorian Periodical Press

16:00-16:45 Stefanie Lethbridge (Freiburg, English Studies): Wars and Heroes: Historical Topics in Popular Poetry Anthologies since the 19th Century

17:15-18:00 Antonie Wiedemann (Genoa, Italian Studies): Popular Historical Magazines in Italy in the 1960s

18:00-18:45 Regina Schleicher (Frankfurt, French Studies): A French Popular History during the Third Republic

Samstag 24 Juli

09:00-10:00 Jerome de Groot (Manchester, English and American Studies): Is There Such a Thing as a Cosmopolitan Popular History?

10:00-10:45 Till Förster (Basel, Social Anthropology): Iterations of Suffering and Emancipation: Popular Media and the Experience of Violence in Northern Côte d’Ivoire

11:00-11:45 Meret Fehlmann (Zurich, Popular Literatures and Media): Prehistoric Fiction as Visionary Narrative

11:45-12:30 Frédéric Döhl (Berlin, Musicology): The Barbershop Harmony Revival: The Creation of a Faulty Historically Informed Performance Practice in the United States around 1940

14:00-14:45 Fernando Sánchez-Marcos (Barcelona, Modern History): Don Juan of Austria (1547-1578) in European Historical Culture: The 20th-Century Metamorphoses of a Hero of the People

14:45-15:30 Round-Up


Thorsten Leiendecker

DFG-FOR Historische Lebenswelten, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
79085 Freiburg

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