Portugal in the last two centuries

Portugal in the last two centuries

Center for Modern History Studies - ISCTE-University Institute Lisbon
ISCTE-IUL, Avenida das Forças Armadas,1649-026 Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Vom - Bis
21.06.2012 - 23.06.2012
Center for Modern History Studies - ISCTE-University Institute Lisbon

International Graduate Conference on Portuguese Modern and Contemporary History

21, 22, 23 June 2012 | ISCTE-IUL

Organization: Centro de Estudos de História Contemporânea - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CEHC-IUL), Portugal.

Conveners: Ana Mónica Fonseca (CEHC-IUL), Thiago Carvalho (CEHC-IUL), Daniel Marcos (IPRI-UNL).

Scientific Committe: Luís Nuno Rodrigues (CEHC-IUL), Pedro Oliveira (FCSH-UNL), Álvaro Garrido (FEUC), Fernando Martins (CIDEHUS/UE), José Miguel Sardica (UCP), Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses (National University of Ireland), Jeremy Ball (Dickinson College, USA).

“Portugal in the last two centuries” – I International Graduate Conference on Portuguese Modern and Contemporary History 2012, will convene between June 21st and 23rd 2012 at Lisbon University Institute (www.iul.pt). Its main purpose is to promote exchange of knowledge between young graduate researchers (MA and PhD students) and young scholars (PhD concluded in the last five years) working on Portuguese Modern and Contemporary History both in Portugal and abroad.

We invite graduate students and young scholars to propose methodologically innovative approaches and agendas, emphasizing long-term influences, transformations and evolutions that offer outlook for historical comparisons across time and space. We also encourage the participation of young historians with different perspectives influenced by related disciplines from social sciences and humanities.

Sub-panel proposals and individual papers are welcomed for any of the following general panels:
- Portugal from liberalism to democracy: institutions, political transitions and regime change.
- Social, economic and technological transformation.
- Portuguese cultural and ideological identities.
- The last imperial cycle: colonialism and decolonization.
- Portugal and the International Systems: foreign policy and international relations.

300 word proposals and a one-page CV (in Word or PDF format) can be sent to histportgc2012@gmail.com until March 31st, 2012. The abstracts will be subjected to a referee process carried out by the conference scientific committee. The conference working languages will be Portuguese and English. For additional information about the conference, please contact the conference organizers at histportgc2012@gmail.com.



Ana Monica Fonseca

Avenida das Forças Armadas Edifício ISCTE Sala 2N3 Cacifo 238 1649-026 Lisboa

