Cultures of Resistance. Society for Caribbean Research Junior Research Conference

Cultures of Resistance. Society for Caribbean Research Junior Research Conference

Society for Caribbean Research (SoCaRe); Center for InterAmerican Studies (CIAS); BMBF-Projekt "Die Amerikas als Verflechtungsraum"
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF)
Vom - Bis
22.01.2015 - 24.01.2015
Johannes Bohle, Center for InterAmerican Studies, Universität Bielefeld

The Society for Caribbean Research (SoCaRe) in co-operation with the Center for Inter-American Studies (CIAS) and the BMBF-project ‘The Americas as Space of Entanglements’ would like to invite you to the Junior Research Conference on the topic “Cultures of Resistance? Theories and Practices of Transgression in the Caribbean and its Diasporas”, taking place 22-24 January 2015 at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) of Bielefeld University.

Practices of transgression are essential in understanding the Caribbean and its diasporas in entangled areas such as the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia. This is partly due to the region’s history of colonization, (often enforced) migration, neo-colonial inequalities, as well as the Caribbean’s specific geopolitical role. The recent re-emergence of debates surrounding reparations is only one example for the multiple layers of entanglement of these areas and processes which continue to inform Caribbean practices of resistance. While as a theme, resistance seems to be omnipresent in disciplines such as politics, economics, history, anthropology, feminist and gender studies, cultural studies, or fields focusing on aesthetics, the concept frequently still remains under-theorized in application. Through a variety of scheduled key-note talks and project presentations we aim to examine existing practices and theories of resistance in the context of the Caribbean and its diasporas.

Scholars and students from all disciplines are welcome to join us for thought-provoking contributions and round-table discussions.

We kindly ask that you register for the SoCaRe Junior Research Conference by November 31st, 2014 via

Please note that there will be a conference fee of 10 Euros (to be paid upon arrival) which covers lunch and coffee breaks.

The conference program will be made available soon at and

We would appreciate it if you could widely circulate this invitation within your departments. We look forward to seeing many of you in January!

Kind regards,
your conference team “Cultures of Resistance“



Johannes Bohle

Universitätsstraße 24
33615 Bielefeld