Call for Journal Articles "Business History: Enterprises in Adaptation" (The Hungarian Historical Review)

Call for Journal Articles "Business History: Enterprises in Adaptation" (The Hungarian Historical Review)

The Hungarian Historical Review
Vom - Bis
20.01.2015 -
Judit Klement, 19-20. Jh, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft

Call for journal articles

The Hungarian Historical Review invites submissions for its forth issue in 2015, the theme of which will be “Business History: Enterprises in Adaptation”

The deadline for the submission of abstracts: February 28, 2015
The deadline for notification of accepted abstracts: March 15, 2015
The deadline for the accepted papers: June 30, 2015

In the study of business history, the history of enterprises was always an approach of particular interest, and indeed for a long time it was the dominant point of departure in scholarly inquiries. This may be less the case today, but in Central and Eastern Europe the histories of enterprises still promise to yield provocative revelations, since in the historical scholarship of the Communist period business history only figured in distorted forms, when it figured at all.

The aim of this issue of the journal is to examine the history of enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe in the processes of adaptation. The histories of enterprises thus are not themselves the focal point of inquiry. Rather, they are of interest in relation to the events that took place when an enterprise was compelled, because of changes in the economic, political or social milieu, to adapt or transform itself, making changes to its business policies, personnel policies, production structures, marketing practices, supply sources, etc.

We interpret the term enterprise broadly to refer to an array of bodies, including eighteenth-century manorial estates, classical capitalist enterprises (in industry, transport or commerce), and state-socialist companies. (Thus we are thinking, first and foremost, of enterprises in production and the services sphere, rather than financial or credit institutions.)

The editors are especially interested in manuscripts on the following topics, though alternative themes will also be considered:
- the influence of political decisions on commercial enterprises;
- the influence of wartime relations on commercial enterprises;
- the operation of enterprises at times of regime change;
- the influence of state economic policy on enterprises;
- the operation of enterprises at times of economic crisis;
- transnational forms of enterprise;
- forms of cooperation between enterprises and the question of cartels;
- innovation in enterprise as a response to change;
- the roles of advertising and marketing in economic adaptation.

We provide proofreading for contributors who are not native speakers of English.
Please send an abstract of no more than 500 words and a short biographical sketch and a list of the five most important publications (we do not accept CVs).

The deadline for the submission of abstracts: February 28, 2015.
Proposals should be submitted to the organizers by email: and

The editors will ask the authors of selected papers to submit their final articles (max. 10.000 words) no later than June 30, 2015.
All articles must conform to our submission guidelines

The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international journal of the social sciences and humanities the geographical focus of which is Hungary and East Central Europe.
For additional information, including submission guidelines, please visit the journal’s website:

The Hungarian Historical Review
Published quarterly by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Centre for the Humanities
Institute of History
30 Országház utca, Budapest H – 1014, Hungary



Judit Klement

HAS, Institute of History
30 Országház utca, Budapest H – 1014, Hungary
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