Processing Historical Traumas after 1945

Processing Historical Traumas after 1945

Hungarian Historical Review
Vom - Bis
31.05.2016 -
Bálint Varga

Call for journal articles – The Hungarian Historical Review

Processing Historical Traumas after 1945: Legacies and Representations of War and Dictatorship in Post-War Hungary and in Eastern Europe

The Hungarian Historical Review invites submissions for its second issue in 2017, the theme of which will be ‘Processing Historical Traumas: Legacies and Representations of War and Dictatorship in Post-War Hungary’

Special issue editor: Balázs Apor (Trinity College Dublin)

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 31 May 2016.

The special issue will focus on representations of the violent and traumatic aspects of the recent past in Hungarian and Eastern European culture (from 1945 until the present). Through analyses of diverse cultural products (films, museums, social media, literature, theater, the creative arts, and so on), the various articles address the impact of war, genocide (the Holocaust) and the Communist dictatorship on identity formation and historical consciousness in Hungary’s recent history. The special issue will revolve around the concepts of memory, legacy, heritage and tradition. However, the editors place particular emphasis on the notion of legacy. As opposed to ‘tradition,’ which involves a degree of agency in the process of selecting and transmitting knowledge, memories and attitudes from the past to the present, ‘legacy’ is characterized by spontaneity and a lack of conscious selection. In other words, legacy refers to the totality of past experiences—whether made the subject of active reflection or not—that have an impact on the present. The editors of the special issue encourage prospective authors to consider the relevance of this notion in their contributions and to address the following two broader questions:

- what are the relationships between memories of war, genocide, dictatorship and national identity?
- how have memories of traumatic events in Hungary’s and Eastern Europe’s recent history interacted with one another to produce the hybrid political cultures that emerged after 1989?

Possible topics include:

- Cultural representations of dictatorship and violence in post-war Hungary and Eastern Europe;
- The use of social media in processing historical traumas;
- The roles of sites of memory in the transmission of memories;
- Popular responses to cultural representations of trauma and violence;
- Identity formation, political culture and cultural representations of dictatorship and violence;
- Nostalgic representations of the recent past.

We invite the submission of abstracts on the questions and topics raised above.

We provide proofreading for contributors who are not native speakers of English.

Prospective authors should send an abstract of no more than 500 words and a short biographical outline with a list of their five most important publications (we do not accept full CVs).

The final version of the articles should be submitted before 31 October 2015. The word limit is 10,000 words, including footnotes. All submissions will be peer-reviewed.

All articles must conform to the journal’s submission guidelines:

The deadline for the submission of abstracts 31 May 2016.

Proposals should be submitted by email to

The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international journal of the social sciences and humanities the geographical focus of which is Hungary and East-Central Europe.

For additional information, including submission guidelines, please visit the journal’s website:

The Hungarian Historical Review
Published quarterly by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Centre for the Humanities
Institute of History
30 Országház utca, Budapest H – 1014, Hungary

