Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Turkey, EU and Beyond. Academic Network for European Studies

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Turkey, EU and Beyond. Academic Network for European Studies

European Instıtute, Istanbul Bilgi University
Istanbul Bilgi University Santralistanbul Campus
Vom - Bis
18.04.2020 - 19.04.2020
Dr. Deniz Güneş Yardımcı

Past decades have witnessed substantial political, economic, and social transformations in Turkey. These include reconfiguration of power relations between institutions, actors and elites, economic revival and reforms, revitalization of civil society and democracy, and its potential for reshaping state-civil society relationship. In recent times, however, the optimism and positive environment have faded away and the European Union (EU) - Turkey relations have marked by a series of paradoxes.

EU-Turkey relations have been shaken by financial and migration crisis, Brexit, the rise of populism, authoritarian tendencies and democratic regression both from the outside and from within, increasing societal polarization and shrinking space of civil society. These developments have also sparked a counter-movement mobilization and cycles of contention which cut across ideological, social, religious, and cultural divisions. These political developments present opportunities and constraints for EU-Turkey relations. This call invites proposals to contribute to the emerging debates on EU-Turkey relations, the influence of recent developments on polity, politics and policies and the assessment of the “EU’s transformative power” in these processes and transformations both at the theoretical and empirical level.

The international conference "European Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Turkey, EU and Beyond” will take place on 18-19 April 2020 at Istanbul Bilgi University, Santralistanbul Campus. This conference intends to provide a platform for critical and interdisciplinary debates on the future of EU-Turkey relations. The event will bring together established academics, young scholars, policymakers, researchers and PhD students from Europe and Turkey. The conference is organized in the framework of the A-NEST and in coordination with Istanbul Bilgi University’s European Institute and Jean Monnet Center of Excellence.

*Accepted abstracts will be published online in PDF format with an ISBN number.

International Conference

European Studies:

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Turkey, EU and Beyond

The two-day conference will provide an opportunity for European Studies scholars to discuss several areas in contemporary European Studies and present their papers to some of the most renowned academics, institutions and stakeholders in the field. Scholars will have the chance to position themselves in the international research community and to debate related topics and research questions in an interdisciplinary environment. Presenters based outside of Istanbul will be partly reimbursed through the A-NEST framework for their travel and accommodation expenses. The amount of the reimbursement depends on the final number of presenters travelling from abroad and will be communicated after the conference’s program has been finalized.

We invite scholars to submit papers that discuss key issues in contemporary European Studies and particularly concerns with evolving and changing dynamics in EU-Turkey relations. We accept papers from across a range of academic disciplines covering political science, public policy, sociology, history, cultural studies, anthropology, legal studies, and economics.

The panels will be chaired by renowned scholars in the field of European Studies. Keynote speeches by some of the most innovative and prestigious international experts in European Studies will further frame the program. Each day will be wrapped up with a round table discussion highlighting the outcome of the panels and the implications for European Studies as an interdisciplinary and applied area of study.

Post- Conference Publication

After the conference, participants are invited to revise their papers for potential publication depending on both the applicants’ wishes, as indicated in the applications form and the editors’ choices. The published volume will be edited by Istanbul Bilgi University Scholars.

Participants can also submit their papers to be reviewed for publication in the Istanbul Bilgi University European Institute (EUI) Working Paper Series to be published following the conference on the EUI website (

Application & Submission Guidelines

With this call, we invite scholars doing cutting edge research in European Studies to submit individual proposals. Interdisciplinary perspectives on EU-Turkey relations are particularly welcome.

Contributions may cover but are not limited to the following topics:


- Theoretical and conceptual discussions in European Studies: Europeanization and De-Europeanization

Panel Convenor: Çiğdem Nas - Yıldız Technical University and IKV

- Innovative research methods on European Studies

Panel Convenor: Sezai Özçelik - Çankırı Karatekin University

- Social movements, civil society and political participation in EU-Turkey relations

Panel Convenor: Büke Boşnak - İstanbul Bilgi University

- The politics of crisis- Brexit, financial crisis, migration crisis and its implications on the EU-Turkey relations

Panel Convenor: Selin Türkeş-Kılıç - Yeditepe University

- Migration and Securitisation in the EU

Panel Convenor: Pelin Sönmez - Kocaeli University

- Populism and Euroscepticism

Panel Convenor: Ayhan Kaya - İstanbul Bilgi University

- EU governance, policies and reforms

Panel Convenor: Berrin Ataman - Altınbaş University

- EU and the Emerging Multipolar World Order

Panel Convenor: Tarık Oğuzlu - Antalya Bilim University

- European Law

Panel Convenor: Pınar Artıran - İstanbul Bilgi University

Roundtable Discussions

- Teaching EU-Turkey relations

Emre Gönen- İstanbul Bilgi University, Özge Onursal-Beşgül - İstanbul Bilgi University, Mehmet Ali Tuğtan - İstanbul Bilgi University, Ebru Turhan - Turkish German University and Selin Türkeş-Kılıç - Yeditepe University.

- Gendering EU studies

Büke Boşnak - İstanbul Bilgi University, Burcu Özdemir-Sarıgil - Bilkent University and Rahime Süleymanoğlu- Kürüm - İstanbul Gedik University.

Conference Languages

Applications must be submitted in the form of a single PDF document and must contain the following requirements written in English, or Turkish. Abstracts will be accepted both in English and Turkish to welcome local participation of Turkish scholars. Abstracts not meeting these requirements will be declined by the A-NEST Conference Committee.

1. Individual Proposals

2. Short bio (max. 150 words)

Individual Proposals

The Abstract must include:

-A description of the state of research or similar projects in the field
-A specification of the theoretical approach and methodical design involved
-A summary of the key findings of the paper
-A bibliography of the most relevant academic literature (is optional, and recommended)

The individual proposals must include:

-Full Name
-University/ Institution
-Email Address
-The name of any-co-authors
-The Title of the Paper
-Keyword (s)
-A 250-500 Words abstract

Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (2 cm margin, 1.5 cell spacing, and 12 pt. Times New Roman).


A Bio of max. 150 words, and an additional list of publications.


The deadline for applications is 31 October 2019. Please send your application and any questions you may have by email to the European Institute of Istanbul Bilgi University. Contact person is Didem Balatlıoğulları (

All applicants will receive a notice of receipt by email. Submitted papers will go through a rigorous review process conducted by the Chairs of the panels and the editors of the book. Notice of acceptance will be communicated by the 31 December 2019.

Full papers

Papers must include:

-A cover page indicating the title, author’s name and degree, and contact information
-A short abstract of max. 250 words, preceding the paper
-A separate list of references (max. 1 page)
-Papers should 6000 words including Bibliography (2 cm. margin, 1.5 cell spacing, 12 pt. Times New Roman)

Please note that accepted papers must be completed prior to the conference and send to the conference organizers. Deadline for the submission of full papers is 27 March 2020.

Invitations for Participants

The organizers invite all researchers with an interest in European Studies to participate in the conference. Participants will be provided with the opportunity to get in touch with the latest knowledge in the area of European Studies and to exchange ideas with renowned experts from different scientific fields in a truly interdisciplinary environment. Institutions, organizations, journals and other actors engaged with European Studies are invited to set up stands at the entrance to the event and to exhibit their work and publications.

Important Dates:

Deadline for Application: 31 October 2019

Communication for Acceptance of Applications: 31 December 2019

Deadline for Registration: 31 January 2020

Announcement of the Conference Program: 28 February 2020

Submission of full papers: 27 March 2020

Conference Dates: 18 – 19 April 2020

Please send your registration, application and/or questions to:

Ms. Didem Balatlıoğulları, Istanbul Bilgi University’s European Institute Administrative Assistant


A-Nest Steering Committee

Sinem Açıkmeşe - Kadir Has University

Berrin Ataman - Altınbaş University

Ayhan Kaya - İstanbul Bilgi University

Çiğdem Nas - Yıldız Technical University & IKV

Selin Türkeş-Kılıç - Yeditepe University

Tarık Oğuzlu - Antalya Bilim University

Sezai Özçelik - Çankırı Karatekin University

Başak Yavcan - TOBB ETÜ

A-Nest Scientific Committee

Senem Aydın-Düzgit - Sabancı University

Büke Boşnak - İstanbul Bilgi University

Meltem Müftüler-Baç - Sabancı University

Özge Onursal-Beşgül - İstanbul Bilgi University

Ziya Öniş - Koç University

Bahar Rumelili - Koç University

Pınar Artıran- İstanbul Bilgi University

Hatice Yazgan - Çankırı Karatekin University



Didem Balatlıoğulları

European Instıtut santralistanbul Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 2/13 3