CIVITAS-Academy. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the history of Christian-Democracy and its sources

CIVITAS-Academy. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the history of Christian-Democracy and its sources

CIVITAS. Forum of Archives and Research on Christian Democracy
Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Rome
Vom - Bis
26.05.2020 - 29.05.2020
Jos Claeys

The impact and legacy of Christian-Democracy runs throughout a variety of themes in contemporary history – ranging from European integration over the Cold War to the development of the welfare state. Its relevance surpasses national and European borders, through a variety of transnational connections linking political parties, countries and continents. Moreover, histories of Christian-Democracy have also became of interest to diverse disciplines within the humanities –ranging from political sciences to sociology and economics.

Yet, many studies of Christian-Democracy have so far remained rather insular, while many researchers are confronted with a lot of methodological and conceptual hurdles when accessing sources and archives.

To stimulate fresh interdisciplinary approaches and themes and to connect the history of Christian-Democracy to wider and comparative fields of research, CIVITAS-FARCD starts up a CIVITAS-Academy, whose first edition will take place at the Istituto Luigi Sturzo in Rome from 26 to 29 May 2020.

PLEASE SEND A PROPOSAL of max. 500 words presenting your research as well as a CV (1 page) with institutional affiliation, past publications, etc. to Loredana Teodorescu (, before 14 February 2020.

Notification of acceptance will follow by 22 February 2020.

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The CIVITAS-Academy welcomes young and early career researchers (max. 10 years of PhD) from different disciplines within the humanities.

The CIVITAS-Academy consists of a combination of paper presentations and lectures by keynote speakers, as well as hands-on archival and methodological sessions, in which participants are given access to relevant sources and archival material and will be able to discuss their work with senior researchers.

This year, we welcome Prof. Piotr Kosicki (University of Maryland) and Prof. Michael Gehler (Hildesheim University) as keynote speakers and tutors. The number of participants is limited to five. The selected participants will be given a fellowship covering accommodation for five days as well as travel costs.


Loredana Teodorescu

Via delle Coppelle 35
00186 Rome RM
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