One Year MA in Jewish History and Culture

One Year MA in Jewish History and Culture

Parkes Institute
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
01.10.2005 - 30.09.2005
Tobias Brinkmann

One Year MA in Jewish History and Culture

The Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/ non-Jewish Relations at the University of Southampton is now accepting applications for its one-year M.A. programme in Jewish History and Culture.

The University of Southampton is home to the Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/ non-Jewish Relations, one of the foremost centres for the study of Jewish history, culture, and literature in the United Kingdom, with specialists in ancient and modern Jewish history, literature, and culture, and the specific histories of American, British, German, and East European Jewries. The history and memory of the Holocaust are another focus. The Parkes Library and Archive is an outstanding resource for the study of Jewish history and culture. It consists of both an archive and a printed section, housing some 20,000 printed items and over 500 collections of manuscripts, containing over one million items.

Support is available for this program on a competitive basis through the Ian Karten studentships. Through a special partnership with the Foreign Office, scholarships are also available to citizens of East European countries (Hungary, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, the Russian Federation, and other FSU countries).

For details and applications, please contact Dr Nils Roemer, Tel: [44] (0) 23 8059 2232, email:

For more information on the Parkes Institute, see

Closing date: 1 April 2005