Projektkoordinator/in für EU-Projekt an BTU Cottbus (IIa/2 BAT-O)

Projektkoordinator/in für EU-Projekt an BTU Cottbus (IIa/2 BAT-O)

BTU Cottbus
Vom - Bis
01.03.2004 -
Petra Köppel

For our international EU-project „Development of Multi-Disciplinary Management Strategies for Conservation and Use of Heritage Sites in Asia and Europe” the Chair of Intercultural Studies at the BTU Cottbus seeks for an experienced:

1 Project Coordinator
limited for 2,5 years; half-time 50 v. H.; Verg.-Gr. IIa BAT-O
Kennziffer: 52/03

The project starts 1st of March 2004.
The project promotes active co-operation between the four partner universities in Germany, Spain, China and India, which are developing a multi-disciplinary approach in the field of cultural heritage management. The project focuses on human resource development by means of faculty exchanges, workshops and seminars. International communication will be supported by an Internet-based collaborative environment that will be created during the project.

Description of activities:

Scientific coaching of the process

Scheduling, co-ordination and organization of project events

Tutoring faculty members

Collation of progress reports and compilation of the final report

Budget administration

Communication with the European commission and other parties

Supporting the dissemination activities


University degree in a subject relating to the area of World Heritage such as humanities or social sciences

Profound experiences in development, implementation and evaluation of international research projects

Coordination and time management skills

Ability to work independently

Intercultural competence in negotiation and cooperation with international partners

Reliability and capacity to deliver high-quality results under time pressure

Flexibility and disposition for international business trips

Fluency in English and German

The university strives to increase the proportion of women amongst scientific staff and explicitly asks for the application of qualified women.

Severely disabled humans with equal qualifications are preferred.

Applications indicating the reference number should be submitted within 14 days to:
Dekan der Fakultät Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
BTU Cottbus
Postfach 101344
03013 Cottbus.

Die Ausschreibung ist bis zum 10.01.2004 gültig.

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