Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC) 46 (2010)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC) 46 (2010)
Weiterer Titel 

Washington DC. 2010: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers
zweimal im Jahr; ausserdem jährlich ein Beiheft (Supplement)
Anzahl Seiten
188 S.



Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC)
United States
Redaktion: Dr. Richard F. Wetzell German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: wetzell@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430 Abonnement/Bezug der Zeitschrift: Susanne Fabricius German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: fabricius@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430
Richard F. Wetzell

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Footnote or Footprint? The German Democratic Republic in History
Donna Harsch

What’s in This Footnote? World History!
Thomas Lindenberger

The Diplomatic Path to German Unity
Frank Elbe

From Destruction to Preservation: Jewish Sites in Germany and Poland after the Holocaust
Michael Meng

German Immigrants and the Arc of American Citizenship during Reconstruction, 1865-1877
Alison Clark Efford

Banking Crises in Three Countries, 1800-1933: An Historical and Comparative Perspective
Richard Tilly

GHI Research

Dangerous Meat? German-American Quarrels over Pork and Beef, 1870–1900
Uwe Spiekermann

A Miracle Bean: How Soy Conquered the West, 1909–1950
Ines Prodöhl

Conference Reports

Kaleidoscopic Knowledge: On Jewish and Other Encyclopedias in Modernity
Ines Prodöhl

Falling Behind or Catching Up? The East German Economy in the Twentieth Century
Uta Andrea Balbier

African-American Civil Rights and Germany in the Twentieth Century
S. Marina Jones and Martin Klimke

Germans' Things: Material Culture and Daily Life in East and West, 1949–2009
Benita Blessing and Leonard Schmieding

Medieval History Seminar 2009
Carola Dietze and Jochen Schenk

The Decline of the West? The Fate of the Atlantic Community after the Cold War
Jennifer Rodgers and Katrin Schreiter

Beyond the Racial State: Rethinking Nazi Germany
Patrick Gilner

GHI News

Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize
Helmut Schmidt Prize
Endowment of a Gerald D. Feldman Memorial Lecture
New Publications by GHI Research Fellows
Recipients of GHI Fellowships
GHI Fellowships and Internships
GHI Research Seminar, Fall 2009
GHI Doctoral Seminar, Summer/Fall 2009
Other GHI-Sponsored Events, Fall 2009
GHI Lecture Series, Spring 2010
GHI Calendar of Events 2010

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