Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 61 (Fall 2017)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 61 (Fall 2017)
Weiterer Titel 
Diversity in German History

Washington DC. 2017: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers
zweimal im Jahr; ausserdem jährlich ein Beiheft (Supplement)
Anzahl Seiten



Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC)
United States
Redaktion: Dr. Richard F. Wetzell German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: wetzell@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430 Abonnement/Bezug der Zeitschrift: Susanne Fabricius German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: fabricius@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430
Wetzell, Richard

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Das Heft enthaelt den thematischen Schwerpunkt "Diversity in German History".

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Colonial Germans and Slavery on the Eve of the American Revolution: The Case of Ebenezer
James Van Horn Melton

Edited by Till van Rahden, Anthony Steinhoff, and Richard F. Wetzell

Diversity in German History: Introduction
Till van Rahden, Anthony Steinhoff, and Richard F. Wetzell

Social Fiction and Diversity in Post-Reformation Germany
Jesse Spohnholz

What Travelers Saw in Eighteenth-Century Germany
Helmut Walser Smith

A Battlefield for Emancipation: The Hamburg Kindergarten Movement and the Revolutionary 1840s
Nisrine Rahal

Diversity, Inclusivity, and “Germanness” in Latin America during the Interwar Period
H. Glenn Penny

“Toward a Better World for Gays”: Race, Tourism, and the Internationalization of the West German Gay Rights Movement, 1969–1983
Christopher Ewing


The United States and World War I: Perspectives and Legacies
Manuel Franz and Lara Track

Mapping Entanglements: Dynamics of Missionary Knowledge and “Materialities” across Space and Time (16th to 20th Centuries)
Eva Bischoff

German Past Futures in the Twentieth Century
Arnd Bauerkämper, Frank Biess, Kai Evers, and Anne Schenderlein

Observing the Everyday: Journalistic Practices and Knowledge Production in the Modern Era
Kerstin von der Krone

Fifth Junior Scholars Conference in Jewish History: Rich and Poor, Jews and Gentiles. Wealth, Poverty and Class in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Constanze Kolbe

Forever Young? Rejuvenation in Transnational and Transcolonial Perspective, 1900–2000
Mischa Honeck and Paul Schweitzer-Martin

Beyond Data: Knowledge Production in Bureaucracies across Science, Commerce, and the State
Sebastian Felten and Christine von Oertzen

23rd Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar: German History in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Richard F. Wetzell


German History in Documents and Images Receives DFG Grant
GHI History of Knowledge Blog
New GHI Publications
Staff Changes
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Recipients of GHI Fellowships, 2017/18
GHI Research Seminar and Colloquium, Spring/Summer 2017
GHI Calendar of Events 2017/18
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