The English Historical Review 135 (2020), 577

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The English Historical Review 135 (2020), 577
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The English Historical Review
United Kingdom
ARTICLES EDITOR: Dr Martin Conway Balliol College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3BJ UK BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Dr Catherine Holmes University College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 4BH UK ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Wright The English Historical Review Faculty of History The Old Boys' High School George Street Oxford OX1 2RL UK Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 556767 Fax: +44 (0)1865 267485
Bender, Alma



Making ‘the Heads of the Proposals’: The King, the Army, the Levellers, and the Roads to Putney
David R Como

‘There But For The Grace of God Go I’: Middle-Class Catholic Responses to Ireland’s Great Famine
Enda Delaney

The Camphor War of 1868: Anglo-Chinese Relations and Imperial Realignments within East Asia
Ronald C Po

Tramps’ Tales: Discovering the Life-Stories of Late Victorian and Edwardian Vagrants
N J Crowson

The Secret of Efficiency? Social Relations and Patronage in the British Army in the Era of the First World War
Aimée Fox

Book Reviews

Saint Patrick Retold: The Legend and History of Ireland’s Patron Saint, by Roy Flechner
Caitlin Ellis

East and West in the Early Middle Ages: The Merovingian Kingdoms in Mediterranean Perspective, ed. Stefan Esders, Yaniv Fox, Yitzhak Hen and Laury Sarti
Paul Fouracre

Old Age in Early Medieval England: A Cultural History, by Thijs Porck
Máirín MacCarron

Water and the Environment in the Anglo-Saxon World, ed. Maren Clegg Hyer and Della Hooke
Caroline Goodson

Crusading and Masculinities, ed. Natasha R. Hodgson, Katherine J. Lewis and Matthew M. Mesley
Guy Perry

Crusading and Trading Between West and East: Studies in Honour of David Jacoby, ed. Sophia Menache, Benjamin Z. Kedar and Michel Balard
Ann E Zimo

Married Life in the Middle Ages, 900–1300, by Elisabeth van Houts
Ruth Mazo Karras

Herbert of Bosham: A Medieval Polymath, ed. Michael Staunton
Elizabeth Gemmill

The Renaissance Reform of the Book and Britain: The English Quattrocento, by David Rundle
Oren Margolis

The Art of Allusion: Illuminators and the Making of English Literature, 1403–1476, by Sonja Drimmer
Kathryn Rudy

Immigrant England, 1300–1550, by W. Mark Ormrod, Bart Lambert and Jonathan Mackman
Caroline Barron

Dressing the Scottish Court, 1543–1553: Clothing in the Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, by Melanie Schuessler Bond
Anna Groundwater

Storied Places: Pilgrim Shrines, Nature, and History in Early Modern France, by Virginia Reinburg
Harriet Lyon

Lepanto als Ereignis: Dezentrierende Geschichte(n) der Seeschlacht von Lepanto (1571), by Stefan Hanss
Tobias P Graf

Making Murder Public: Homicide in Early Modern England, 1480–1680, by K.J. Kesselring
Joan Redmond

Women on the Edge in Early Modern Europe, ed. Lisa Hopkins and Aidan Norrie
Jessica L Malay

Migrating Merchants: Trade, Nation, and Religion in Seventeenth-Century Hamburg and Portugal, by Jorun Poettering
Maria Fusaro

The Ties that Bind: Siblings, Family, and Society in Early Modern England, by Bernard Capp
Elizabeth Foyster

Missionare in Persien: Kulturelle Diversität und Normenkonkurrenz im globalen Katholizismus (17.–18. Jahrhundert), by Christian Windler
Simon Ditchfield

Confessional Mobility and English Catholics in Counter-Reformation Europe, by Liesbeth Corens
Henk van Nierop

From Slaves to Prisoners of War: The Ottoman Empire, Russia, and International Law, by Will Smiley
Einar Wigen

The Game of Love in Georgian England: Courtship, Emotions, and Material Culture, by Sally Holloway
Ingrid Tague

Trade, Politics, and Revolution: South Carolina and Britain’s Atlantic Commerce, 1730–1790, by Huw David
Aaron J Palmer

The Georgian London Town House: Building, Collecting and Display, ed. Susanna Avery-Quash and Kate Retford
Elizabeth McKellar

Utilitarianism in the Age of Enlightenment: The Moral and Political Thought of William Paley, by Niall O’Flaherty
Philip Schofield

Music in the West Country: Social and Cultural History Across an English Region, by Stephen Banfield
Bennett Zon

Pictorial Embroidery in England: A Critical History of Needlepainting and Berlin Work, by Rosika Desnoyers
Maureen Daly Goggin

African Women in the Atlantic World: Property, Vulnerability and Mobility, 1660–1880, ed. Mariana P. Candido and Adam Jones
Nemata Blyden

Taxation, Politics, and Protest in Ireland, 1662–2016, ed. Douglas Kanter and Patrick Walsh
Julian Hoppit

Beyond the Barricades: Government and State-Building in Post-Revolutionary Prussia, 1848–1858, by Anna Ross
Jasper Heinzen

The Promise of the Suburbs: A Victorian History in Literature and Culture, by Sarah Bilston
Elsie B Michie

Parliament the Mirror of the Nation: Representation, Deliberation, and Democracy in Victorian Britain, by Gregory Conti
J P Parry

Charity and Social Welfare: The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe 1780–1920, ed. Leen van Molle
Caitriona Clear

Colonizing Consent: Rape and Governance in South Africa’s Eastern Cape, by Elizabeth Thornberry
Helen Dampier

The Wardle Family and Its Circle: Textile Production in the Arts and Crafts Era, by Brenda M. King
Rosemary Mitchell

Harnessing the Airplane: American and British Responses to a New Technology, 1903–1939, by Lori A. Henning
Ian A Horwood

Welfare and Social Policy in Britain since 1870: Essays in Honour of Jose Harris, ed. Lawrence Goldman
Kate Bradley

The Partition of Ireland 1918–1925, by Robert Lynch
Eugenio Biagini

War and Childhood in the Era of the Two World Wars, ed. Mischa Honeck and James Marten
Rosie Kennedy

Spain at War: Society, Culture and Mobilization, 1936–44, ed. James Matthews
Tim Rees

Stalin’s Gulag at War: Forced Labour, Mass Death, and Soviet Victory in the Second World War, by Wilson T. Bell
Robert Dale

International Organizations and Global Civil Society: Histories of the Union of International Associations, ed. Daniel Laqua, Wouter Van Acker and Christophe Verbruggen
Tomás Irish

On the Edge of Democracy: Italy, 1943–1948, by Rosario Forlenza
Ilaria Favretto

Disruptive Power: Catholic Women, Miracles, and Politics in Modern Germany, by Michael E. O’Sullivan
Thomas Brodie

Feeding the World: Brazil’s Transformation into a Modern Agricultural Economy, by Herbert S. Klein and Francisco Vidal Luna
Colin M Lewis

Borderland Memories: Searching for Historical Identity in Post-Mao China, by Martin T. Fromm
Gina Anne Tam

The CSCE and the End of the Cold War: Diplomacy, Societies and Human Rights, 1972–1990, ed. Nicolas Badalassi and Sarah B. Snyder
Konstantina Maragkou

Race for Education: Gender, White Tone and Schooling in South Africa, by Mark Hunter
Rachel E Johnson

Empires of the Mind: The Colonial Past and the Politics of the Present, by Robert Gildea
Spencer Mawby

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