Historický časopis 66 (2018), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historický časopis 66 (2018), 1
Weiterer Titel 

Veda, vydavateľstvo 2018: Slovak Academic Press
Anzahl Seiten
192 S.
€ 5,00



Historický časopis
SVK 813 64 Bratislava, Klemensova 19
Fabriciusová, Miroslava




GÁLIK Zdenko
Hlohovecká vetva rodu Aba
(The Hlohovec branch of the Aba family)
S. 3-25.

The aim of the study was to point to the importance of the Hlohovec branch of the Aba family. It owned and created not only the castle lordship of Hlohovec, but also Dobrá Voda or Branč. Therefore, it is important for knowledge of this region in the second half of the 13th and beginning of the 14th centuries. The study also devotes attention to the architectural monuments and archaeological finds of this period from Hlohovec. It describes the domain of the Aba family not only in the immediate surroundings of Hlohovec, but also in the Galanta district. It traces the fate of Hlohovec, closely connected with the Aba family in the period 1276–1316. Finally, it considers the property exchange between the Aba family and Abraham Rufus in 1297 and the granting of a second settlement to Abraham Rufus of Červeník in 1294 and his military achievements.
Key words: Aba family. Hlohovec Castle, Abraham Rufus. Dobrá Voda Castle. Archaeological finds. Architectural monuments of Hlohovec.

Mestské prísahy v Bardejove v ranom novoveku ako prameň kultúrnych a sociálnych dejín
(Town oaths at Bardejov in the Early Modern period as a source for cultural and social history)
S. 27-54.

The study is concerned with the interpretative possibilities provided by oaths in the context of Early Modern society in the Kingdom of Hungary. Using the example of texts of oaths from the end of the 17th century and first half of the 18th century from the royal borough of Bardejov, it analyses the changes occurring in the environment of the burghers or holders of burgher rights and their political elites. Attention is devoted to the development of relationships between the centre, endeavouring to increase uniformity and incorporate the town into the structures serving the aim of establishing state power in the modern sense of the word, and the town community, which strove to maintain its particular rights. Confessional differences also played an important role in the process. The cultural and social roles of the languages in which the oath texts are recorded, are also interpreted.
Key words: Town oaths. Bardejov. Early Modern town history. Social and cultural history. Social disciplining. Slovak language – social history.

Zapomenuté kořeny. Nadace v českých zemích a v Československu před rokem 1951
(Forgotten Roots. Foundations in the Czech Lands and in Czechoslovakia until 1951)
S. 55-81.

The study analyses the social-economic role and functions of foundations and their metamorphosis in the Czech Lands in the historical context in the long-term perspective from the end of the Middle Ages all the way to 1951. The study identifies four roles of foundations in society: The tool of redistribution of created sources; the guarantee of societal control and of the natural system of social security; the initiator of social changes; and a supporter of social pluralism. The foundations worked for the common good as accepted at the time and their activities were dynamic in their nature.
Key words: Foundation. Philanthropy. Typology. Social Security. Religion. Civil Society. Common Good. Area of Foundation’s Activities. Purpose of Foundations. Founder of Foundation. Foundation‘s Basic Capital. Benefactor. Foundation’s Administration. Beneficiary.

VAŠŠ Martin
Sociálna štruktúra bratislavskej umeleckej bohémy v rokoch 1920 – 1945
(The social structure of Bratislava‘s artistic bohemians in the years 1920–1945)
S. 83-105.

The study provides an analysis of the authentic modernist cultural and social phenomenon of Bratislava‘s artistic bohemians in the years 1920– 1945 in terms of its social structure. This group consisted of writers and painters, in what amounted to a special social microcosm, in the midst of which a particular social structure spontaneously formed, consisting of a leading integrating personality encircled by a wider group of acquaintances, patrons, female muses, devotees and fans stemming from bourgeois circles. An important issue in the context of the social structure of Bratislava‘s artistic bohemians is the antagonism between bohemian artists, who possessed cultural capital, and the bourgeoisie, who possessed economic capital.
Key words: Bratislava‘s artistic bohemians. Bratislava. Writers. Painters. Bourgeoisie. Social structure.

Dobrodružstvá akademickej mobility: Roman Jakobson na Slovensku
(Adventures of academic mobility: Roman Jakobson in Slovakia)
S. 107-132.

The study focuses on the repeated visits of Russian-born Harvard linguist Roman Jakobson to Slovakia. The author traces Jakobson’s Slovak contacts from the interwar period up to 1968. Based on analysis of secret police documents and memoir literature, the research offers an insight into contemporary academic and cultural life in 20th century Czechoslovakia.
Jakobson’s first Slovak contacts in the 1920s were linked to his activities in the Prague Soviet legation and the Charles University. In the 1930s he visited Bratislava more frequently, while teaching at Brno University.
During the Stalinist era in Czechoslovakia, a number of his friends and colleagues were politically prosecuted. Only in 1957, he was able to return to Czechoslovakia for Slavonic Studies conferences in Prague and Olomouc, using this occasion to give a lecture also in Bratislava. In the approaching wave of hate-campaign against local “unreliable intellectuals” he was denounced as a “cosmopolitan” and “Western agent”. Subsequent attempts for Jakobson’s academic and public rehabilitation, urged by his Czechoslovak friends, became a reality only during his visit in 1968.
The presentation ceremony of the Golden medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences to Roman Jakobson was scheduled in Bratislava on August 21, 1968, the day of the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact.
Key words: Roman Jakobson. Structuralism. Linguistics. Slovakia. Czecho-slovakia. Communism. Travel.

Nebyla to jenom Praha – podíl obyvatel českých a slovenských měst a regionů na pádu komunistického režimu
(It was not only Prague – the share of the people of the Czech and Slovak towns and regions in the fall of the communist regime)
S. 133-158.

The aim of this study is to prove that while Prague was an important centre of anti-regime activities, there was just as strong opposition also outside the capital city. Originally it was mostly apolitical. People “only” wanted to live freely and carry on their own activities – organize themselves, develop their own artistic activities, protect the environment or practice their religion. However, this already brought them into political conflict with the regime, which paradoxically prepared its own opposition. The role of the non-Prague dissidents and their activities was fundamental not only before November 1989 in the process of eroding communist rule, but also for the success of the November revolution as such. If there had been support for the regime outside Prague, the Velvet Revolution might have turned out entirely differently.
Key words: Velvet Revolution. Dissent. Communist regime. Church. Demonstrations.


HLAVAČKOVÁ Miriam (ed.)., Od symbolu k slovu. Podoby stredovekej komunikácie (Marek Druga) S. 159

DUCHOŇOVÁ Diana – LENGYELOVÁ Tünde, Hradné kuchyne a šľachtické stravovanie v ranom novoveku. Radosti slávností, strasti každodennosti (Michal Bada) S. 162

ČERNÁK Tomáš – MOCKO Martin, Husák v odboji a SNP 1938 – 1945 (Jakub Drábik) S. 165


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