Philological Encounters 8 (2023), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Philological Encounters 8 (2023), 4

Berlin / Leiden 2023: Brill Academic Publishers
Anzahl Seiten
100 S.
Privatkunden: € 120,00 (Online); € 120,00 (Print); Institutionen: € 432,00 (online und print); € 396,00 (nur print); € 360,00 (nur online)


Kontakt allgemein

Colinda Lindermann
FU Berlin
Redaktion Philological Encounters
Colinda Lindermann

This new issue of Philological Encounters opens with a research article by Claire Gallien, who studies the interconnections between philosophy and theology in Ibn Ṭufayl’s (d. 581/1185) life and the references to the Qurʾān and to Islamic theology in his Risālat Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān, before tracking the engagement with the Qurʾān and Islamic theology in the early-modern Latin and English variants of the tale.

In the second article, Markus Messling commemorates the philologist and editor Maurice Olender (1946–2022), who was a member of the advisory board of Philological Encounters.

The third article is a Philological Conversation with the cultural historian Dilip M. Menon, conducted by Mahmoud Al-Zayed and addressing topics such as the decolonisation of knowledge, oceanic history, and the idea of paracoloniality.


Claire Gallien: The Place of the Qurʾān and Islamic Theology in Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān and its Early English Receptions: A Study in Textual Citation and Excision

Markus Messling: Writing as Commitment: In Memory of the Philologist and Editor Maurice Olender (1946–2022)

Philological Conversation: Mahmoud Al-Zayed: Words and their Worlds: A Conversation with Dilip M. Menon

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