Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 57 (2017)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 57 (2017)
Weiterer Titel 
Transnational Humanitarian Action: Atlantic and Global Voluntary Activities from Abolitionism to the NGOs 1800-2000

Essen 2017: Klartext Verlag
1–2 Hefte pro Jahr
Einzelheft € 7,60 zzgl. Porto, ein Abo (mind. 2 Hefte jährlich) € 25,00 inkl. Porto



Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements (glz. Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen)
Institute for Social Movements Clemensstraße 17–19 44789 Bochum Germany
Strotmann, Vivian

The Institute for Social Movements is happy to announce publication of Moving the Social 57 (2017) in print and online.


Table of Contents


Enrico Dal Lago and Kevin O‘Sullivan
Introduction: Toward a New History of Humanitarianism, pp. 5–20.

Stacey M. Robertson
Marketing Social Justice: Lessons from our Abolitionist Predecessors, pp. 21–36.

Kimberly A. Lowe
The League of Red Cross Societies and International Committee of the Red Cross: a Re-Evaluation of American Influence in Interwar Internationalism, pp. 37–56.

Julia F. Irwin
Connected by Calamity: The United States, the League of Red Cross Societies, and Transnational Disaster Assistance after the First World War, pp. 57–76.

Jo Laycock
Saving the Remnant or Building Socialism?, pp. 77–96.

Rob Skinner
“Every Bite Buys a Bullet”: Sanctions, Boycotts and Solidarity in Transnational Anti-Apartheid Activism, pp. 97–113.

Chris Moores
Solidarity for Chile, Transnational Activism and the Evolution of Human Rights, pp. 115–135.

Jeffrey Flynn
Philosophers, Historians, and Suffering Strangers, pp. 137–157.

Enrico Dal Lago and Kevin O‘Sullivan
Review Article: Prosopographies, Transnational Lives, and Multiple Identities in Global Humanitarianism, pp. 159–174.

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