2011-2013: Lecturer in 20th Century History British History; University of Leeds 2010-2011: Lecturer in History;University of Liverpool
"My current research concerns professional activism in the Cold War, and combines my long-standing interests in the histories of the Cold War, nuclear culture, and science and technology with a new investigation into the social history of medicine. This project explores medical activism against nuclear weapons in Britain, West Germany and the United States, during the 1980s, through the lens of the key transnational organization of the medical anti-nuclear-weapons movement – the International Physicians for
http://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/academic/artshumanities/hc/drchristophlaucht/name,185348,en.phpAuswahl: Laucht, J. (2014) ‘An Imagined Cataclysm Becomes Fact': British Photojournalism and Real and Imagined Nuclear War in Picture Post. In Catherine Jolivette (Ed.), British Art in the Nuclear Age. (pp. 81-101). Farnham: Ashgate. Laucht, C. (2013) Bereits nach Ablauf der Halbwertszeit droht der völlige Zerfall: Die britische Atomic Scientists’ Association, die Ideologie der 'objektiven' Wissenschaft und die H-Bombe [The British Atomic Scientists’ Association, the Ideology of 'Objective' Science and the H-Bomb]. In Christian Forstner and Dieter Hoffmann (Ed.), Physik im Kalten Krieg: Beiträge zur Physikgeschichte während des Ost-West-Konflikts [Physics in the Cold War: Essays on the History of Physics during the East-West Conflict]. (pp. 265-272). Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum. Laucht, C. (2013) Zurück in die nukleare Zukunft: Das Beispiel Großbritannien [Back to the Nuclear Future: The British Case]. In Bernd Greiner, Tim B. Müller and Klaas Voß (Ed.), Erbe des Kalten Krieges [Legacies of the Cold War]. (pp. 231-241). Hamburg: Hamburger Edition. Laucht, C. & Hogg, J. (Ed.). (2012) British Nuclear Culture. Laucht, C. (2012) ‘Dawn – Or Dusk?': Britain’s Picture Post Confronts Nuclear Energy. In Dick van Lente (Ed.), The Nuclear Age in Popular Media: A Transnational History. (pp. 117-148). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Auswahl: Laucht, C. (2013). Der Nord-Ostsee-Kanal in der britischen Strategie und Propaganda zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges [The Kiel Canal in British Strategy and Propaganda at the Start of the Second World War]. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte 118, 241-263. Laucht, C. (2013). Britannia Rules the Atom: The James Bond Phenomenon and Postwar British Nuclear Culture. Journal of Popular Culture 46(2), 358-377. Laucht, C. (2012). Atoms for the People: the Atomic Scientists' Association, the British State and Nuclear Education in the Atom Train Exhibition, 1947-1948. British Journal for the History of Science 45(4), 591-608. doi:10.1017/S0007087412001070 Laucht, C. & Hogg, J. (2012). Introduction: British Nuclear Culture. British Journal for the History of Science 45(4), 479-493. Laucht, C. (2011). 'Los Alamos in a way was a city of foreigners': German-speaking Émigré Scientists and the Making of the Atom Bomb at Los Alamos, New Mexico, 1943-1946. New Mexico Historical Review 86(2), 223-250.