International Journal of Military History and Historiography, Vol. 39, No. 1 (2019)
Table of Contentspp. 1–6
Britain, Austria, and the “Burden of War” in the Western Mediterranean, 1703–1708 By Caleb Kargespp. 7–33
The King and His Army: A New Perspective on the Military in 18th Century Brandenburg-Prussia By Carmen Winkel pp. 34–62
Plan Z: The Popular Front, Civil-Military Relations and the French Army’s Plan to Defeat a Second Paris Commune, 1934–1936 By Andrew Orrpp. 63–87
Unsung Heroes? The Rhodesian Defence Regiment and Counterinsurgency, 1973–80 By Evans B. Tsigo and Enock Ndawanapp. 88–120
Bibliographical Records pp. 121–166