Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Altertumskunde Ermlands 64 (2020)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Altertumskunde Ermlands 64 (2020)
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Münster 2020: Aschendorff Verlag
Anzahl Seiten
IV + 156 S.
€ 16,80



Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Altertumskunde Ermlands (ZGAE). Beiträge zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte des Preussenlandes
Redaktion: Johannes Götz, Archivstraße 12-14, 14195 Berlin Vertrieb: Aschendorff Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Soester Str. 13, 48155 Münster, E-Mail: <buchverlag@aschendorff.de>
Götz, Johannes

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Volume 64 of „Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Altertumskunde“ is already available and can be ordered from the Aschendorff publishing house (Aschendorff-Verlag): (https://www.aschendorff-buchverlag.de)
On our website (http://his.ermlandfamilie.de/index.php/zeitschrift-fuer-die-geschichte-und-altertumskunde-ermlands.html) you can also find information about the latest volumes as well as download for free electronic versions of volumes from years 1858–2002.



Editorial (S. 1–2)


Marcin Hlebionek, Die Siegel der Stadt Wormditt (S. 3–22)

Marek Jodkowski, Die Diaspora der Diözese Ermland in der Mittedes 19. Jahrhunderts (S.23–99)


Radosław Krajniak, Die Prälaten und Kanoniker des ermländischenDomkapitels bis 1466 (S. 100–111)


Krajobrazy kulturowe. Sposoby konstruowania i narracji. Hrsg. von Robert Traba, Violetta Julkowska, Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz. – Kulturlandschaften in Deutschland und Polen. Akteure und Modi ihrer Konstruktion und Narration. Hrsg. von Olaf Kühne, Thomas Strobel, Robert Traba, Marcin Wiatr. (Rafał Żytyniec) (S. 112–114)

Collegarum et Discipulorum Gratitudo. Studia ofiarowane prof. Andrzejowi Radziminskiemu z okazji 60. urodzin. (Remigius Stachowiak) (S.114–116)

Castrum Sanctae Mariae. Die Marienburg als Burg, Residenz und Museum. Hrsg. von Arno Mentzel-Reuters und Stefan Samerski. (Krzysztof Kwiatkowski) (S. 116–121)

Christofer Herrmann, Der Hochmeisterpalast auf der Marienburg. Konzeption, Bau und Nutzung der modernsten europäischen Fürstenresidenz um 1400. (Artur Dobry) (S. 121–124)

Tadeusz Oracki, Studenci i profesorowie z Prus Krzyżackich, Książęcych i Warmii na Uniwersytecie Krakowskim od XIV do XVIII wieku. (Wojciech Zawadzki) (S. 124–126)

Teresa Borawska, Henryk Rietz, Z Kaszub do wiecznego miasta. Bernard Sculteti (ca. 1450–1518). (Remigius Stachowiak) (S. 126–130)

Volker Hentrich, Die Umwandlung des Ordensstaates in eine weltliches Fürstentum Preußen (1525) in der Darstellung der Apologie (Christiana responsio) Herzog Albrechts von Brandenburg-Ansbach von 1526. (Jacek Wijaczka) (S. 130–134)

Bernhart Jähnig, Preußenland, Kirche und Reformation. Geplantes Zusammenspiel von geistlicher Macht und weltlicher Herrschaft. (Jacek Wijaczka) (S. 134–136)

Wiesław Sieradzan, Verlorenes Kulturerbe? Leben und Werk des Konservators von Westpreußen Bernhard Schmid (1872–1947). (Joanna Szkolnicka) (S. 136–139)

Chronik (S. 140–141)

Auswahlbibliographie 2019 (S. 142–156)


Editorial (p. 1–2)


Marcin Hlebionek, Seals of the city Orneta (p. 3–22)

Marek Jodkowski, Diaspora of the Diocese of Warmia in the mid-19th century (p. 29–99)

Workshop Report

Radosław Krajniak, Prelates and Canons of the Cathedral Chapter of Warmia until 1466 (p. 100–111)

Reviews (see above) (p. 112–139)

Chronicle (p. 140–141)

Survey of bibliography 2019 (p. 142–156)


Marcin Hlebionek, Seals of the city Orneta

After the Second World War research on seals from the area of Warmia and former Prussia (especially Duchy of Prussia) was of marginal interest to both German and Polish researchers. The aim of this article is to supplement the data on the Orneta’s frigate system, to some extent filling a gap in the research. So far, the publications mentioned mainly the medieval town seals, the oldest of which dates back to the 14th century. An interesting seal showing the bishop standing on a dragon, perhaps also dating back to that century, can also be related to Orneta. The development of the city’s frigate system took place in the 15th century. The signage formulas of city documents indicate the functioning of the secret and signet seals, probably alongside the larger seal. As the known imprints show, the image of a dragon appears on all of them. This makes it possible to classify the Orneta seals as the type of seal saying that the image (dragon, German Wurm; Lindwurm) corresponds to the name of the town (Orneta, German Wormditt). The modern Orneta seals have hardly been examined before. As far back as the 16th century, the city used the Gothic seal, will only details differing from the earlier, 15th century secret seal. A significant change took place in the second half of the century, when the Orneta authorities commissioned a beautiful mannerist typist, with a fully heraldic image. Later, however, the 18th century seals return to patterns known from the Middle Ages, abandoning the representation of the dragon on the coat of arms. In the first half of the 19th century, the Prussian state frigate system had a significant impact on the urban frigate. The famous seals of the city from that period refer to the image of the state coat of arms. The city’s coat of arms on the Orneta seals did not return until the second half of the 19th century, but in a different form from that known from most prepartition

Marek Jodkowski, Diaspora of the Diocese of Warmia in the mid-19thcentury

A new stage in the history of the Diaspora of the Diocese of Warmia was initiated in the middle of the 19th century, with the adoption of the octroated Constitution of Prussia. Numerous pastoral institutions were established then. However, the small number of Catholic communities in the diaspora, as well as their low affluence, made it impossible for them to finance the construction of temples and parish facilities. Moreover, they did not guarantee clergy a decent salary. The Prussian state denied any subsidies for new pastoral centres. In response to those needs, diocesans were sensitised and their co-responsibility for members of the Catholic Church living in Protestant districts was shaped. Parish collectives and extraordinary fundraising were organised. An invaluable generosity in this regard was demonstrated by a significant number of clergy led by the Bishop of Warmia, Józef Ambroży Geritz. Moreover, on December 3, 1851, the Sankt Adalbertusverein für die Unterstützung der Katholiken in der Diaspora was founded in Braniewo. Extensive information about the various problems of the Diaspora was published in the Katholisches Wochenblatt aus Ost- und Westpreußen für Leser aller Stände issued since 1842 in Pelplin.

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