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Volume 65 of „Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Altertumskunde“ is already available and can be ordered from the Aschendorff publishing house (Aschendorff-Verlag):
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Editorial (S. 1-2)
Felix Biermann, Christofer Herrmann, Arkadiusz KoperkiewiczZuwanderer und Einheimische im spätmittelalterlichen Ermland. Archäologische Anzeichen für Kontakte und Ausgleichsprozesse auf dem Friedhof von Alt-Wartenburg (Barczewko) (S. 3-30)
Joanna JakutowiczDie Geschichte der Altäre in der Kollegiatskirche zu Guttstadt (S. 31-70)
Winfried SchwabFarbentragende Korporierte als Priester im Bistum Danzig (S. 71-101)
Andrzej Kopiczko, Krosno koło Ornety. Dzieje i mieszkańcy [Krossen bei Wormditt. Geschichte und Bewohner]. Andrzej Kopiczko, Chwalęcin koło Ornety. Dzieje sanktuarium [Stegmannsdorf bei Wormditt. Geschichte der Wallfahrtsstätte]. (Hans-Jürgen Karp) (S. 103-108)
Rainer Zacharias, Evangelische Kirchengeschichte für die Stadt Marienburg und ihre beiden Werdergebiete an Nogat und Weichsel 1526 bis 1945. Entwicklungsstufen einer Glaubenslandschaft. (Wojciech Zawadzki) (S. 109-112)
Ewangelicy w regionie kujawsko-pomorskim na przestrzeni wieków [Die Protestanten in der Region Kujawien – den Ländern östlich der unteren Weichsel im Laufe der Jahrhunderte]. Hrsg. von Jarosław Kłaczkow (Maciej Ptaszyński) (S. 112-115)
Joanna Szkolnicka, Ebląskie towarzystwa kulturalne i naukowe w latach 1772 – 1945 [Elbinger kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Vereine von 1772 bis 1945]. (Andrzej Kopiczko) (S. 116-118)
Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Alt-Pillau. Taufen 1905–1925. Übertragen von Ellen Zirkwitz Katholische Kirchengemeinde Pillau 1909–1945. Übertragen von Ellen Zirkwitz. (Andrzej Kopiczko) (S. 118-121)
Polacy w Prusach Wschodnich i Zachodnich w latach 1918-1920 [Polen in Ost- und Westpreußen in den Jahren 1918-1920]. Hrsg. von Wojciech Zawadzki. (Maciej Górny) (S. 121-123)
Wersał, Plebiscyt i co dalej na Warmii i Mazurach? Versailles, the plebiscite and the future of Warmia and Masuria. Hrsg. von Małgorzata Gałęziowska und Sebastian Mierzyński. Ełk 1920. Plebiscyt na Mazurach – Lyck 1920. Volksabstimmung in Masuren – Ełk 1920. The plebiscite in Masuria. Hrsg. von Jakub Knyżewski und Rafał Żytyniec. (Christian Pletzing) (S. 123-126)
Vincent Regente, Flucht und Vertreibung in europäischen Museen. Deutsche, polnische und tschechische Perspektiven im Vergleich. (Maren Röger) (S. 126-129)
Chronik (S. 140-141)
Auswahlbibliographie 2019 (S. 142-156)
Felix Biermann, Christofer Herrmann, Arkadiusz Koperkiewicz, Immigrants and Locals in Late Medieval Warmia. Archaeological evidence for contacts and processes of reconciliation at the cemetery of Barczewko
The archaeological investigations in the deserted town of Alt-Wartenburg (Barczewko) near Allenstein have revealed many remarkable insights into the urbanisation of Warmia in the late Middle Ages. Founded by the bishop of Warmia, the small town existed for only about 25-30 years between the late 1320s and 1354, when it was destroyed in a Lithuanian attack. The paper focuses on the burial place of the town. The cemetery of Alt-Wartenburg is not very large, only partially researched and the church to which it undoubtedly belonged has not yet been discovered. However, it is a very important finding for understanding the settlement history in southern Warmia. First of all, it can be dated quite precisely to the time of the town’s existence. In addition, the skeletons recovered here and their anthropological examination provide information about the living conditions of the population in a newly founded town in late medieval Prussia. The burial rites and the grave goods – knives, coins, a fire steel, in particular a child’s grave richly furnished with jewellery, belt buckles, coins and a clay vessel – attest to the heterogeneous ethnic, religious and generally cultural situation in which the colonisation in that region took place in the 14 th century. The cemetery offers clear signs of contacts between locals and immigrants, of the encounter of different groups and mutual cultural assimilation processes. The foundation of the town by the bishop and the immigrants obviously did not take place in isolation, but involved the Prußian inhabitants of the surrounding countryside in one or another manner.
Joanna Jakutowicz, History of altars in the Collegiate Church in Dobre Miasto
The furnishings of the Collegiate Church of the Most Holy Saviour and All Saints in Dobre Miasto are among the most valuable in Warmia. It consists of Gothic, Baroque and neo-Gothic altars. Some of them were created by the most outstanding artists active in the region, such as Piotr Kolberg or Krzysztof Perwanger. In spite of that, the history of the church furnishings in Dobre Miasto and its transformations has not been elaborated so far in the literature on the subject. The analysis carried out in this article allowed to identify historical altars with still existing settings. Thanks to the analysis of the sources it was possible to identify the altar of Mary, located in the eastern closure of the southern nave, as the former altar of morning mass under the invocation of Omnium Angelorum, and the altar of Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, located in the eastern closure of the northern nave, as the former altar of Annunciation (also appearing in sources under the name of St Mary’s altar), which was associated with the prelature of the provost of the collegiate church. The second important issue raised in the article is to determine the main phases of the development of ecclesiastical furnishings of Dobromie Collegiate Church, which coincide with the style of the divisions preserved in the church interior. The earliest phase refers to the emergence of the Gothic furnishings, in the second phase, occurring in the 17th and 18th centuries, the church furnishings were gradually replaced by Baroque ones, while in the third phase, occurring in the 19th century, the church interior received its present décor. Although it was not possible to identify all the elements of the church furnishings, it was possible to link the most important altars with the source references and thus contribute both to the recognition of the history of the Dobre Miasto Collegiate Church and to the understanding of the processes of change in the art of Warmia.
Winfried Schwab, Colour-bearing corporates as priests in the diocese of Gdansk
In 1904, the newly founded Technical University of Gdansk startet its education activity. At the same time, the first student corporations were founded, especially the Pruthenia Association for Catholics and the Baltia Association. They gave students a religious home in the diaspora milieu of the Hanseatic city. Clerics belonged to those corporations from the beginning. Later some members studied theology, mostly in Wrocław or Braunsberg, in order to become priests themselves. With the elevation of Gdansk to an Apostolic Administrature in 1922 and to a diocese in 1925, Bishop Eduard Count O’Rourke had to unite the clergy of the dioceses of Kulm and Ermland working in the city-state into a homogeneous clergy. Pruthenia and Baltia supported this process. The commitment of the priests and laity to the common principles, values and tasks helped to create a “Gdansk identity” among the pastors. This article sheds light on the biographies of colour-bearing clerics and selected personalities in the diocese of Gdansk. Their lives and work reflect the political and ecclesiastical history of that turbulent time. Four state systems and three different ecclesiastical hierarchies in just 30 years demanded steadfastness in the faith and a willingness to stand the test of time in the difficulties of everyday life. Bishop Carl Maria Splett is treated on a par with Nazi victim Bruno Binnebesel, the Free Corps fighter Albert Leo Schlageter or the Nobel Prize winner Günter Grass.