The GHIL Bulletin appears twice a year and contains articles and reviews of recent books on German and British history, as well as general information about the Institute's activities.
Fascism and Finance: Economic Populism in Inter-War Europe – Alexander Nützenadel 3 Efficient and Wise? Elderly Abbots in English Benedictine Monasteries in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: The Case of St Albans Abbey – Élisa Mantienne 28
Between Chichén Itzá, Baghdad, and Guangzhou: New Approaches to the Global Middle Ages – Eric Böhme 52 Tracing the History of Feminisms: Methods, Meanings, and Questions – Jane Freeland 67
Grischa Vercamer, Hochmittelalterliche Herrschaftspraxis im Spiegel der Geschichtsschreibung: Vorstellungen von ‘guter’ und ‘schlechter’ Herrschaft in England, Polen und dem Reich im 12./13. Jahrhundert – Ryan Kemp 80
Jamie Page, Prostitution and Subjectivity in Late Medieval Germany – Oliver Landolt 88
Saskia Limbach, Government Use of Print: Official Publications in the Holy Roman Empire, 1500–1600 – Christine Vogel 90
Nichola M. V. Hayton, Hanns Hubach, and Marco Neumaier (eds.), Churfürstlicher Hochzeitlicher HeimführungsTriumph: Inszenierung und Wirkung der Hochzeit Kurfürst Friedrichs V. mit Elisabeth Stuart (1613) – Arne Spohr 96
Simon Adler, Political Economy in the Habsburg Monarchy 1750–1774: The Contribution of Ludwig Zinzendorf – Esteban Mauerer 101
Elisabeth-Marie Richter, England und der Index der verbotenen Bücher im 19. Jahrhundert – Joshua Bennett 107
Janne Lahti (ed.), German and United States Colonialism in a Connected World: Entangled Empires – Silke Hackenesch 113
Judith Heß, Europäisierung des Gedenkens? Der Erste Weltkrieg in deutschen und britischen Ausstellungen – Tim Grady 117
Fifteenth Workshop on Early Modern German History – Natalie Grace 122 Migration and Migration Policies in Europe since 1945 – Ralf Kretzschmar 129
Chronopolitics: Time of Politics, Politics of Time, Politicized Time – Olga Sabelfeld 138
Twelfth Medieval History Seminar – Marcus Meer 145
Contemporary Historians and the Reuse of Social Science-Generated Datasets: An International Dialogue on the Challenges Presented by Social Science Data – Clemens Villinger 150
The History of Medialization and Empowerment: The Intersection of Women’s Rights Activism and the Media – Kassandra Hammel 157