On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture 13 (2022)

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On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture 13 (2022)
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kostenloses Volltextangebot (Open Access)



On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture
Kontaktadressen der Redaktion: content@on-culture.org
Isabella Kalte, Graduate Center for the Study of Culture, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen

Dear colleagues,

we are very excited to announce the publication of On_Culture's 13th issue entitled “In_Visibilities.” Issue 13 offers a nuanced and stimulating interdisciplinary exploration of the complex topic of “In_Visibilities.” Guest editors Jana Tiborra and Katharina Wolf have collected contributions that engage with the ambivalences of visual representation through the concept of in_visibility.

By using the underscore in the orthography (in_visibility), this issue creates a space for ambiguities and highlights the processual continuum between the two concepts of visibility and invisibility. All of the thirteen contributions address manifold aspects of in_visibility and emphasize interstices as well as in-betweenness. They critically engage with hegemonic structures manifested and materialized in visual culture and discuss their powerful impacts, but also their contestability, competitiveness and thus, transformability.

The issue’s _Articles explore the diversity of in_visibilty in forms of seeing and being looked at in feminist art (Nowaczek), in postcolonial ambivalences of making cultural identities visible (Ba), in technical dimensions and methods of creating evidence for a multisensory understanding (Stuckey) and in the potential of artistic practices to subvert hegemonic regimes of in_visibility (Chachali, Santos Rodriquez and Griffiths).

The _Essay contributions feature a feminist perspective on shifts in gender politics and representations in visual culture due to social media (Woodward) and the critical impact of social bots in the digital age (Reichert).

Six _Perspectives complete this issue and reflect on case studies of digital protest and the role and interaction of online users (Schubert) along with different concepts that connect knowledge formations with in_visibilities (Pregitzer, Hanauer-Rehavia, Bakshi, Linebaugh, Püttmann and Effert).

Read the entire issue here: https://www.on-culture.org/journal/issue-13/

With best wishes,

The Editorial Team



Jana Tiborra and Katharina Wolf: “In_Visibilities: Self-representation, Othering, and Power in Visual Culture” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/issue-13/in_visibilities/>


Annemarie Nowaczek: “Re-Constructing Femininities: Perverting Performance in Hannahlisa Kunyik´s Susanne fotografiert mich beim Bade (2011/2012/2018)” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/issue-13/re-constructing-femininities/>

Claudia Ba: “Invisible Superstructure of the Visible: Contested Notions of Authorized Order, or How to Render the Kankurang In_Visible” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/issue-13/invisible-superstructure-of-the-visible/>

Stella Chachali: “Mohamedou Ould Slahi´s Guantánamo Diary through the Lens of In_Visibility” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/issue-13/the-in_visibility-of-the-masters-house-in-mohamedou-ould-slahis-guantanamo-diary/>

Maevia Griffiths and Victor Santos Rodriguez: “Reclaiming Agency through the Politics of the In_Visible Body: Illegalized Migration and Self-Representation of Women Domestic Workers in Switzerland” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/issue-13/reclaiming-agency-through-the-politics-of-the-in_visible-body/>

Lisa Stuckey: “Hiding in Plain Sight: Minoritarian Approaches to Espionage, Forensic Architecture, and In_Visible Co-Producers” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/issue-13/hiding-in-plain-sight/>


Kath Woodward: “Rethinking the Politics of In_Visibility post #Metoo?” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/issue-13/rethinking-the-politics-of-in_visibility-post-metoo/>

Ramón Reichert: “Terror Machines: Social Bots in Struggles for Hegemony in Digital Publics” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/issue-13/terror-machines/>


Mona Schubert: “Hijacking the Patriarchy: Pussy Riot´s and LASTESIS´ Networked Performances” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/perspectives/hijacking-the-patriarchy/>

Lisa Pregitzer: “Women Artists – Still Invisible Today? A Critical Approach to Strategies of Making Women Artists Visible” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/perspectives/women-artists-still-invisible-today/>

Sarah-Lea Effert and Charlotte Püttmann: “Negotiating Sculptures through In_Visibilities: The Case of Anti-Semitic Reliefs in German Chruches” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/perspectives/negotiating-sculptures-through-in_visibilities/>

Ekata Bakshi: “Making the ‘Other’ Visible in Ethnographic Research: Reflections through the Lens of Caste and Gender, from a Non-Metropolitan City in West Bengal, India” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/perspectives/making-the-other-visible-in-ethnographic-research/>

Riley Linebaugh: “Decolonization and In_Visibilities in Colonial Archives: The FCO 141 Series and the (Redemptive?) Power of Placement” <https://www.on-culture.org/journal/perspectives/decolonization-and-in_visibilities-in-colonial-archives-the-fco-141-series-and-the-redemptive-power-of-placement/>

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