Historický časopis 56 (2008), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historický časopis 56 (2008), 3
Weiterer Titel 

Bratislava 2008: Slovak Academic Press
Anzahl Seiten
167 S.
EUR 2,30



Historický časopis
SVK 813 64 Bratislava, Klemensova 19
Miroslava Fabriciusova




Rázusov Odkaz mŕtvych a vnímanie násilia v medzikonfesionálnych vzťahoch
(Rázus’ Odkaz mŕtvych (Message from the Dead) and the Perception of Violence in Inter-Confessional Relations)
S. 419-442.

The article analyses the literary image of forcible re-Catholicization and maps its perception against the background of the confessionally determined reception of the historical novel Odkaz mŕtvych (Message from the Dead). The reception of Rázus’ novel was influenced by Protestant and Catholic historical memory, which included the images of the bad Jesuits or the good Jesuits. The stereotype of the bad Jesuits was updated and politically exploited in the conditions of the totalitarian Ľudák regime. Thus the novel contributed to strengthening anti-regime views in some segments of the reading public.
Historical novel. Historical memory. Stereotype. Confessional story. Re-Catholicization. Jesuits. Violence.

Vedec – cestovateľ alebo agent francúzskej vlády? (Predvojnové aktivity M. R. Štefánika)
(Scientist – Traveller or Agent of the French Government? The Pre-War Activities of M. R. Štefánik)
S. 443-459.

The study is devoted to Štefánik’s activities in the period 1909-1914. His scientific missions, especially the mission to Ecuador are its centre of gravity. The author depicts them mainly in the light of the French archives. The author analyses the circumstances in which it arose and its results more than the actual course of the mission. He places the mission in the wider context of international relations before the First World War. The majority of Štefánik’s planned projects did not succeed for various reasons. The author does not omit the presentation of Štefánik’s activity by historians.
History. Milan Rastislav Štefánik. Ecuador. International relations. French foreign policy. Wireless telegraphy.

Spolok profesorov Slovákov v rokoch 1921 – 1941
(The Society of Professors of Slovakia 1921 – 1941)
S. 461-476.

The Society of Professors of Slovakia (Spolok profesorov Slovákov) originated in the first years of the existence of the Czechoslovak Republic. Its independent activity came to an end under the Slovak state in 1941. Its society and professional activities reflected the national interests of its members, mostly Slovak secondary school teachers.
Czechoslovak Republic. Society of Professors of Slovakia. Professional and
educational activity.

Vznik a činnosť Csemadoku v kontexte politiky KSČ (1949 – 1951)
(The Origin and Activity of the Csemadok in the Context of the Policy of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (1949 – 1951))
S. 477-496.

Under the influence of foreign policy developments, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia made substantial changes to the position of members of the Hungarian community in Czechoslovakia during the second half of 1948. These included the formation of a Hungarian cultural society. The founding assembly of the Cultural Society of the Hungarian Workers in Czechoslovakia (in Slovak: Kultúrny spolok maďarských pracujúcich v Československo, in Hungarian: Czehszlovákiai Magyar Dolgozók Kultúregyesülete, abbreviation: Csemadok) was held on 5 March 1949. The beginnings of its activity were conditioned by the dramatic socio-political situation, as well as by relations between the Slovak and Hungarian populations, which were not characterized by mutual trust or understanding in that period. The main problems were the statutes of the society, the membership of re-Slovakized people and the powers of the Commission for Information and Enlightenment. The members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Slovakia also held different views on these questions. The formation of the organizational structure did not proceed smoothly at first. This was also the result of continuing fears among members of the Hungarian minority as a result of the period 1945 – 1948. The Csemadok became part of the National Front at the end of 1951 in harmony with the political line of the Communist Party.
Nationality policy of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Hungarian minority.


Z činnosti pomocnej misie Britského Červeného kríža Lady Muriel Paget na Slovensku
(From the activity of the British Red Cross relief mission of Lady Muriel Paget in Slovakia)
S. 497-506.

The Relief Mission of the British Red Cross under the guidance of Lady Muriel Paget came to Slovakia on request of Alice G. Masaryk, the Chair of the Czechoslovak Red Cross, after the World War I. In May 1919 the Mission helped to build refreshment stations of the first aid for the soldiers of the Czechoslovak Army during the war conflict with the Hungarian Red Army. It built an epidemic hospital in Turzovka and wiped out an extensive epidemic of typhus in Kysuce. It set up 100 feeding and distribution stations for children in which in nearly two years 24 000 children had their meals every day and it built 16 stations of social and medical care for children and mothers where over 22 000 children were treated. It gave rise to the Children´s Hospital, a home for undernourished children in Modra, a convalescent home for 50 soldiers in Rosice. The Relief Mission supported other activities for children in Slovakia and it incited medical educational activity. After the year 1948 significant and conceptual activities of the Relief Mission of the British Red Crosss under the guidance of Lady Muriel Paget in Slovakia were concealed.
History. British Red Cross. Lady Muriel Paget. Alice G. Masaryk. Czechoslovak Red Cross.


Irak po páde monarchie (1958 – 1959)
(Iraq after the Fall of Monarchy)
S. 507-524.

The military coup – the Revolution of 1958 – that finally overthrew the monarchy and inaugurated a new era in Iraqi history succeeded more because of luck and audacity than as a result of a long planning or extensive organization. The coup was unquestionably a reflection of deep-seated discontent among officers and civilian politicians with the regime’s foreign policy and its slowness to reform. After the overthrow of the monarchy, the revolutionary regime in Iraq under cAbdalkarīm Qāsim was constantly beset by an internal struggle: communists and their supporters on one side and pan-Arab nationalists and Iraqi Bacthists on the other. Street fighting erupted in Baghdad at the slightest provocation. In March 1959, a revolt broke out in Mosul led by anti-communist army officers and pan-Arabists. cAbdalkarīm Qāsim crushed the revolt with massive communist support. He might have been able to keep a balance between the two had he not antagonized nationalist leaders through his execution of nationalist officers opposed to him. Thus the country became divided into two radical camps.
History. Iraq. Iraq after the Fall of Monarchy, 1958 – 1959.


MICHELA Miroslav
Súčasné učebnice dejepisu v Maďarsku a problém reprezentácií maďarsko-slovenských vzťahov
(The Current History Textbooks in Hungary and the Problem of the Representation of Hungarian – Slovak Relations)
S. 525.


KOLLÁROVÁ Ivona, Vydavatelia v 18. storočí (Eva Kowalská) S. 537

JAGIEŁŁO Michal, Słowacy w polskich oczach (Irena Malec-Bilińska) S. 539

DEJMEK Jindřich, Edvard Beneš. Část první (Ondřej Houska) S. 541

ŽIAK Miloš – SNOPKO Ladislav (eds.), Park ušľachtilých duší (Ľudovít Hallon) S. 544

HRABUŠICKÝ Aurel (ed.), Slovenský mýtus. Slovak Myth (Elena Mannová) S. 547

BILÉ Serge, Noirs dans les camps nazis (Lucia Galibert) S. 550


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