From the Editors Better Shorter, but Better 1
Forum: Mercy, Power, and Law in Muscovite and Imperial Russia
NANCY S. KOLLMANN The Quality of Mercy in Early Modern Legal Practice 5
JANE BURBANK Mercy, Punishment, and Law: The Qualities of Justice at Township Courts 23
Reaction ELISE KIMERLING WIRTSCHAFTER Russian Legal Culture and the Rule of Law 61
Review Article G. M. HAMBURG Writing History and the End of the Soviet Era: The Secret Lives of Natan Eidel´man 71
Review Essay WILLARD SUNDERLAND The Caucasian Tangle 111
Reviews LINDSEY HUGHES Iu. N. Bespiatykh and V. I. Gineva, eds., Peterburg v epokhu Petra I: Dokumenty v fondakh i kollektsiiakh Nauchno-istoricheskogo arkhiva Sankt-Peterburgskogo instituta istorii. Katalog, chast´ 1 [St. Petersburg in the Era of Peter I: Documents in the Fonds and Collections of the Archive for Historical Scholarship, St. Petersburg Institute of History. Catalogue, pt. 1]; A. A. Preobrazhenskii et al., eds., Pis´ma i bumagi imperatora Petra Velikogo, t. 13, vyp. 2 [The Letters and Papers of Emperor Peter the Great, vol. 13, pt. 2]; I. N. Lebedeva, Biblioteka Petra I: Opisanie rukopisnykh knig [The Library of Peter I: A Description of the Manuscript Books] 123
DOMINIC LIEVEN V. M. Bezotosnyi et al., eds., Otechestvennaia voina 1812 goda: Entsiklopediia [The Great Patriotic War of 1812: An Encyclopedia] 133
DIANE KOENKER Matthias Heeke, Reisen zu den Sowjets: Der ausländische Tourismus in Rußland 1921–1941. Mit einem bio-bibliographischen Anhang zu 96 deutschen Reiseautoren [Travel to the Soviets: Foreign Tourism in Russia, 1921–1941, with a Bio-bibliographical Appendix on 96 German Travel-Writers] 137
MARTIN J. BLACKWELL Kate Brown, A Biography of No Place: From Ethnic Borderland to Soviet Heartland; Fedir Pihido-Pravoberezhnyi, “Velyka Vitchyzniana Viina”: Spohady ta rozdumy ochevydtsia [“The Great Patriotic War”: The Memoirs and Thoughts of an Eyewitness]; Dmytro Malakov, Oti dva roky…: U Kyivi pry nimtsiakh [Those Two Years...: In Kyiv under the Germans]; Karel C. Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair: Life and Death in Ukraine under Nazi Rule 143
ANITA SETH Aleksei Georgievich Borzenkov, Molodezh´ i politika: Vozmozhnosti i predely studencheskoi samodeiatel´nosti na vostoke Rossii (1961–1991 gg.). [Youth and Politics: The Possibilities and Limits of Student Activity in the Russian East (1961–1991)] 153
To the Editors PAVEL POLIAN 159
Contributors to This Issue 163