From the Editors An Interview with Sheila Fitzpatrick 479
Articles STEPHEN KOTKIN Mongol Commonwealth? Exchange and Governance across the Post-Soviet Space 487
JAMES FRANK GOODWIN Russian Anarchism and the Bolshevization of Bakunin in the Early Soviet Period 533
MAXIM WALDSTEIN Russifying Estonia? Iurii Lotman and the Politics of Language and Culture in Soviet Estonia 561
Review Article YVES COHEN The Cult of Number One in an Age of Leaders 597
Review Essay ANDY BRUNO Russian Environmental History: Directions and Potentials 635
Reviews ISABEL DE MADARIAGA Aleksandr Il´ich Filiushkin, Tituly russkikh gosudarei [The Titles of Russian Rulers] 651
VIKTOR ZHIVOV Frithjof Benjamin Schenk, Aleksandr Nevskij: Heiliger—Fürst—Nationalheld. Ein Erinnerungsfigur im russischen kulturellen Gedächtnis (1263–2000) [Aleksandr Nevskii: Saint—Prince—National Hero. A Figure of Commemoration in Russian Cultural Memory (1263–2000)] 661
DAVID KIRBY Frank Nesemann, Ein Staat, kein Gouvernement: Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Autonomie Finnlands im russischen Zarenreich, 1808 bis 1826 [A State but not a Province: The Origin and Evolution of Finland’s Autonomy in the Russian Empire, 1808–26] 672
PETER WALDRON Ekaterina Anatol´evna Pravilova, Finansy imperii: Den´gi i vlast´ v politike Rossii na natsional´nykh okrainakh, 1801–1917 [The Empire’s Finances: Money and Power in Russian Policy in the National Borderlands, 1801–1917] 676
JOHN-PAUL HIMKA Johan Dietsch, Making Sense of Suffering: Holocaust and Holodomor in Ukrainian Historical Culture; Stanyslav Vladyslavovych Kul´chyts´kyi, Holod 1932–1933 rr. v Ukraini iak henotsyd/Golod 1932–1933 gg. v Ukraine kak genotsid [The 1932–33 Famine in Ukraine as a Genocide] 683
POLLY JONES Iurii Aksiutin, Khrushchevskaia ottepel´ i obshchestvennye nastroeniia v SSSR v 1953–1964 gg. [The Khrushchev Thaw and Popular Opinion in the USSR, 1953–64]; Arlen Blium, Kak eto delalos´ v Leningrade: Tsenzura v gody ottepeli, zastoia i perestroika, 1953–1991 [How It Was Done in Leningrad: Censorship in the Years of the Thaw, Stagnation, and Perestroika, 1953–91] 695
In Memoriam JANET HARTLEY Lindsey Hughes (1949–2007) 705
Contributors to This Issue 709