KRITIKA 10 (2009), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
KRITIKA 10 (2009), 3
Weiterer Titel 
Russia and Germany as Entangled Histories, 1914–45

Bloomington, Indiana, US 2009: Slavica Publishers
80$ Institutionen, 35$ Privatpersonen, 25$ Studierende



Carolyn Pouncy
Derzeitige Position (Kurzform)
Managing editor
Georgetown University
Kritika. Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
United States
Washington, DC
<> Editorial Office: School of Foreign Service Intercultural Center 301 Georgetown University Publisher: Slavica Publishers Indiana University 1430 North Willis Drive Bloomington. IN 47404-2146, USA
Carolyn Pouncy

Kritika, Volume 10, Number 3 (Summer 2009)



Special Issue

Fascination and Enmity: Russia and Germany as Entangled Histories, 1914–45

From the Editors
Entangled Histories in the Age of Extremes . . . . . 415


Dietrich Beyrau
Mortal Embrace: Germans and (Soviet) Russians in the First Half of the 20th Century . . . . . 423


Laura Engelstein
“A Belgium of Our Own”: The Sack of Russian Kalisz, August 1914 . . . . . 441

Oxana Nagornaja
United by Barbed Wire: Russian POWs in Germany, National Stereotypes, and International Relations, 1914–22 . . . . . 475

Bert Hoppe
Iron Revolutionaries and Salon Socialists: Bolsheviks and German Communists in the 1920s and 1930s . . . . . 499

Jan C. Behrends
Back from the USSR: The Anti-Comintern’s Publications on Soviet Russia in Nazi Germany (1935–41) . . . . . 527

Peter Fritzsche
Return to Soviet Russia: Edwin Erich Dwinger and the Narratives of Barbarossa . . . . . 557

Jochen Hellbeck
“The Diaries of Fritzes and the Letters of Gretchens”:Personal Writings from the German–Soviet War andTheir Readers . . . . . 571

Katerina Clark
Ehrenburg and Grossman: Two Cosmopolitan Jewish Writers Reflect on Nazi Germany at War . . . . . 607

Oleg Budnitskii
The Intelligentsia Meets the Enemy: Educated Soviet Officers in defeated Germany, 1945 . . . . . 629


W. M. Reger IV
T. A. Oparina, Inozemtsy v Rossii XVI–VII vv. [Foreigners in 16th- and 17th-Century Russia]; S. P. Orlenko, Vykhodtsy iz Zapadnoi Evropy v Rossii XVII veka: Pravovoi status i realŽnoe polozhenie [West European Immigrants to 17th-Century Russia: Legal Status and Actual Position] . . . . . 683

Ekaterina Pravilova
Mikhail Nikolaevich LukŽianov, Rossiiskii konservatizm i reforma, 1907–1914 [Russian Conservatism and Reform, 1907–14]; Richard Pipes, Russian Conservatism and Its Critics: A Study in Political Culture . . . . . 693

Alexandre Sumpf
Corinne Gaudin, Ruling Peasants: Village and State in Late Imperial Russia . . . . . 710

Brigitte Studer
Bert Hoppe, In Stalins Gefolgschaft : Moskau und die KPD 1928–1933 [In Stalin’s Retinue: Moscow and the German Communist Party, 1928–33] . . . . . 719

Vladimir Tismaneanu
Richard Gellately, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler: The Age of Social Catastrophe . . . . . 724

Steven A. Grant
Marina Balina and Larissa Rudova, eds., Russian Children’s Literature and Culture; Paula S. Fass et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society, 3 vols.; Catriona Kelly, Children’s World: Growing Up in Russia, 1890–1991; Izabella I. Shangina, et al., eds., Russkie deti: Osnovy narodnoi pedagogiki. Illiustrirovannaia entsiklopediia [Russian Children: The Foundations of Popular Pedagogy. An Illustrated Encyclopedia] . . . . . 730

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