Below is the table of contents for the latest issue of Journal of Religious History, which is now available at:;af=H
"The Enchanter's Wand": Charles Darwin, Foreign Missions, and the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle MARK W. GRAHAM pages 131–150
"Wild Oats or Acorns?" Social Purity, Sexual Politics and the Response of the Late-Victorian Church SUE MORGAN pages 151–168
"Upon Past Ebenezers We Built Our Jehovah-Jireh": The Vision of the Australian Aborigines’ Mission and Its Heritage in the China Inland Mission ALISON LONGWORTH pages 169–184 REVIEW ARTICLES
Looking South MARK A. NOLL pages 185–194
Looking Backward, Looking Forward: The Study of Religion in Russia after the Fall WILLIAM B. HUSBAND pages 195–202 BOOK REVIEWS
BOOK REVIEWS pages 203–226 Short Notices
SHORT NOTICES pages 227–232 Books Received
BOOKS RECEIVED pages 233–234