From the Editors An Interview with Michael Confino 279
Articles ILYA VINITSKY Amor Hereos, or How One Brother Was Visited by an Invisible Being: Lived Spirituality among Russian Freemasons in the 1810s 291
JOSHUA FIRST From Spectator to "Differentiated" Consumer: Film Audience Research in the Era of Developed Socialism (1965–80) 317
History and Historians ROBERT E. JOHNSON "The Greatest Russian Tragedy of the 20th Century": An Interview with Viktor Danilov (1925–2004) 345
Review Essays STEPHEN LOVELL Power, Personalism, and Provisioning in Russian History 373
DANIEL L. SCHLAFLY, JR. The Great White Bear and the Cradle of Culture: Italian Images of Russia and Russian Images of Italy 389
G. M. HAMBURG Imperial Entanglements: Two New Histories of Russia’s Western and Southern Borderlands 407
NICK BARON New Spatial Histories of 20th-Century Russia and the Soviet Union: Exploring the Terrain 433
Reviews PAUL BUSHKOVITCH I. A. Lobakova, Zhitie mitropolita Filippa: Issledovanie i teksty [The Life of Metropolitan Filipp: A Study and Texts]; Arkhimandrit Makarii (Veretennikov), Sviataia Rus´: Agiografiia, istoriia, ierarkhiia [Holy Russia: Hagiography, History, Hierarchy] 449
MARC RAEFF Elena Veniaminovna Alekseeva, Diffuziia evropeiskikh innovatsii v Rossii (XVIII–nachalo XX v.) [The Diffusion of European Innovations in Russia (from the 18th to the Early 20th Century)] 457
ILYA VINKOVETSKY Aleksandr Iur´evich Petrov, Rossiisko-amerikanskaia kompaniia: Deiatel´nost´ na otechestvennom i zarubezhnom rynkakh, 1799–1867 [The Russian-American Company: Activity in the Home and Foreign Markets, 1799–1867]; Anatolii Viktorovich Remnev, Rossiia Dal´nego Vostoka: Imperskaia geografiia vlasti XIX–nachala XX vekov [Russia of the Far East: An Imperial Geography of Power from the 19th to the Early 20th Century] 463
BALÁZS APOR Jan C. Behrends, Die erfundene Freundschaft: Propaganda für die Sowjetunion in Polen und in der DDR [The Invented Friendship: Propaganda for the Soviet Union in Poland and the GDR]; Malte Rolf, Das sowjetische Massenfest [The Soviet Mass Festival] 472
Irina Papkova Wallace L. Daniel, The Orthodox Church and Civil Society in Russia; Zoe Knox, Russian Society and the Orthodox Church: Religion in Russia after Communism; Nikolai Aleksandrovich Mitrokhin, Russkaia pravoslavnaia tserkov´: Sovremennoe sostoianie i aktual´nye problemy [The Russian Orthodox Church: Contemporary Condition and Current Problems] 481
Letters NORMAN W. INGHAM To the Editors 493
Contributors to This Issue 495