Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 5 (2013), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 5 (2013), 4
Weiterer Titel 

London / Bingley 2013: Emerald Publishing
Anzahl Seiten
154 S.



Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
United Kingdom
Prof. Brian Jones Quinnipiac University, School of Business 275 Mount Carmel Avenue Hamden, CT, USA *Vertrieb*: <>; Tel. 0044 1274 777 700.
Schwarzkopf, Stefan


‘The advertising of E. Remington & Sons: the creation of an iconic brand, 1854–1888’, by Robert A. Henning, Terrence H. Witkowski (pp. 418 – 448)

‘The role of department stores in the evolution of marketing: Primary source records from Australia’, by Ellen McArthur (pp. 449 – 470)

‘Realizing marketplace opportunity: How research on the black consumer market influenced mainstream marketers, 1920–1970’, by Judy Foster Davis (pp. 471 – 493)

‘New Women and Modern Girls: consuming foreign goods in colonial Seoul’, by Hyun Jeong Min (pp. 494 – 520)

‘Retro from the get-go: reactionary reflections on marketing’s yestermania’, by Stephen Brown (pp. 521 – 536)

‘William R. Davidson (1919–2012): a pioneer in retailing’, by Brian Jones (pp. 537 – 547)

‘William R. Davidson, PhD: the right man for the times in retailing’, by Daniel J. Sweeney (pp. 548 – 558)

‘Management Horizons and the legacy of William R. Davidson’, by Robert D. Tamilia (pp. 559 – 567)

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