Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte / History of Science and Humanities is devoted to the history of science in the broad German sense of the term "Wissenschaft": The journal is open to national and international original articles on all areas of the history of science and humanities, and neighboring subjects and thereby strives to contribute to an integrated history that encompasses the natural sciences as well as the humanities and the social sciences.
Special Issue: Knowledge from Below
Knowledge from Below: Case Studies in Historical and Political Epistemology (S. 535-537) Ienna, Charles Wolfe
Hydrogeological Knowledge from Below: Water Expertise as a Republican Common in Early-Modern Venice (S. 538-560) Daniel Omodeo
Texts, Practice and Practitioners: Computational Cultures at Work in Early Modern South India (S. 561-580) Senthil Babu
In the Shadow of the 1919 Total Solar Eclipse: The Two British Expeditions and the Politics of Invisibility (S. 581-601) Simões
The Double Legacy of Bernalism in Science Diplomacy (S. 602-624) Ienna
Wilhelm Reich and Sexology from Below (S. 625-650) Moir
Individual Contribution
Forschung und Freizeit: Karl von Frischs Aufenthalt in Neapel 1911 (S. 651-673) Hoffmann