Queens Consort, Gender and Diplomacy: Catherine of Aragon, Claude of France and the Field of Cloth of Gold Sally Fisher pp.: 387–407
Masculine Old Women or Feminine Old Men? Rethinking Gender and the Ageing Body in Early Modern English Medicine Amie Bolissian pp.: 408–428
“The rainha is the boss!”: On Masculinities, Time and Precolonial Women of Authority in Northern Mozambique Jonna Katto pp.: 429–451
“Monsters are they in Nature”: Female Masturbation and Constructions of Femininity in the Early Eighteenth Century England Elizabeth Schlappa pp.: 452–471
Of Mumps and Men: Masculinity and the Severity of a Vaccine Preventable Disease in Western Medicine, 1760s–1960s Elena Conis pp.: 472–490
“It Was Necessary to Do Something With Those Women”: Colonial Governance and the “Disposal” of Women and Girls in Early Nineteenth-Century Sierra Leone Maeve Ryan pp.: 491–510
Recipes for Disaster: Cookery Books and the Management of Intimacy in Colonial Kenyan Settler Homes 1919–1944 Elizabeth Winifred Williams pp.: 511–527
Women as Common Scolds in Law and Popular Culture: Pennsylvania, 1824–1972 Richard Kielbowicz pp.: 528–546
The Weaponising of Women's Bodies in the Wars of Reform and French Intervention in Mexico, 1857–1867 Francie Chassen-López pp.: 547–564
Hysteria as a Shape-Shifting Forensic Psychiatric Diagnosis in the Netherlands c. 1885–1960 Willemijn Ruberg pp.: 565–581
Suffragettes and Shrews: Unruly British Women in the Early Chinese Press (1900s–1910s) Shu Yang pp.: 582–602
“Access to Women”: Securing Mormon Whiteness in the US Army's Regulation of Commercial Sex in Chihuahua, 1916 Pamela Jean Maddock pp.: 603–622
“My Blood Was All Turning to Water”: Testimonial Advertisements and the Creation of a Menstrual Network in the U.S., 1870s–1910s Frances Davey pp.: 623–641
“Hollywood is a Woman's Town”: Masculinity and the Leading Man in American Fan Magazines of the 1930s Stephen Sharot pp.: 642–666
Visions of Statesmanship Across The Atlantic: Presidential Masculinity and the American Response to Benito Mussolini Jaap Verheul pp.: 667–690
Writing on Domesticity, Thinking about Politics: Women Organising during Decolonisation in Cambodia, 1948–1952 Catriona Miller pp.: 691–708
The Case of Mister X (Formerly Miss X): Intersexuality in Modern Kenya and the Ethics of History Writing (c. 1940–present) Kara Moskowitz pp.: 709–729
Machismo and other Intimacies in Twentieth-Century Bolivia: Reflections on Conducting Oral Histories about Sexuality and Reproduction Natalie L. Kimball pp.: 730–748
Imagination and the Gendered Self in South Asia Ishan Mehandru pp.: 749–756
Giving Birth in Eighteenth-Century England By Sarah Fox, London: University of London Press, 2022, p. 254, ISBN: 978-1-914477-06-5. Kate Gibson pp.: 757–758
Women in Wartime: Theatrical Representations in the Long Eighteenth Century By Paula R. Backscheider, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022, pp. 456, ISBN-10: 1421441675. Meghan Kobza pp.: 759–760
Proving Pregnancy: Gender, Law, and Medical Knowledge in Nineteenth Century America By Felicity M. Turner, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2022, pp. 228, ISBN: 9781469669700. Elizabeth M. Barnes pp.: 761–762
Men in the American Women's Rights Movement, 1830–1890: Cumbersome Allies Edited by Hélène Quanquin, London: Routledge, 2021, p. 204, ISBN: 9780367630096. Chenchen Wang pp.: 763–764.
Mujeres, Género y Violencia en la Guerra Civil y la Dictadura de Franco Edited by Conxita Mir and Ángela Cenarro, Valencia: Tirant Humanidades, 2021, p. 420. ISBN: 978-84-18614-98-9. Stephanie Wright pp.: 765–766
Women's International Thought: Towards A New Canon Edited by Patricia Owens, Katharina Rietzler, Kimberly Hutchings and Sarah C. Dunstan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp. 776, ISBN: 9781108999762. Gaynor Johnson pp.: 767–768