1. Abstracts - S.i
2. Introduction Heide-Irene Schmidt. - S.387-394
3. Control, Legitimacy, and the Securing of Interests: European Development Policy in South-east Asia from the Late Colonial Period to the Early 1960s Marc Frey. - S.395-412
4. The Commonwealth, the Balance of Payments and the Politics of International Poverty: British Aid Policy, 1958-1971 Jim Tomlinson. - S.413-430
5. French Development Aid and Co-operation under de Gaulle Gérard Bossuat. - S.431-456
6. Multilateral Institution-Building and National Interest: Dutch Development Policy in the 1960s Esther Helena Arens. - S.457-472
7. Pushed to the Front: The Foreign Assistance Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1958-1971 Heide-Irene Schmidt. - S.473-508
8. Italy's Foreign Assistance Policy, 1959-1969 Elena Calandri. - S.509-526
9. Altruism, Security and the Impact of Oil: Norway's Foreign Economic Assistance Policy, 1958-1971 Helge Pharo. - S.527-546
10. Coping with the Nazi Past: Germany and the Legacy of the Third Reich Edith Raim. - S.547-560
11. An Alternative to Everyday Life? The Politics of Leisure and Tourism Shelley Baranowski. - S.561-572
12. Writing Urban History for the Twentieth-Century City Joan-Anton Sánchez De Juan. - S.573-584
13. Notes on Contributors - S.585