Piacentini's Window: The Modernism of the Fascist Master Plan of Rome PAUL BAXA, pp 1-20
Germans in the Eyes of the Gestapo: The Ciechanów District, 1939–1945 JAN GRABOWSKI, ZBIGNIEW R. GRABOWSKI, pp 21-43
For a Republic ‘Diverse and Indivisible’? France's Experience from the Colonial Past VÉRONIQUE DIMIER, pp 45-66
The Rise and Fall of Western Europe's Democratic Age, 1945–1973 MARTIN CONWAY, pp 67-88
Comment on Conway ERIK JONES, pp 89-95
Reply to Jones MARTIN CONWAY, pp 96-99
Review Articles
The Transformation of European Universities: Disciplines and Professions in England, Germany and Russia since 1870 BJÖRN WITTROCK, pp 101-116
France and European Integration: From the Schuman Plan to Economic and Monetary Union FRANCES M. B. LYNCH, pp 117-121